Business Process Automation

Text Template

A Text Template is a predefined, formatted selection of text that is identified by an Oracle Transportation Management business object. Use text templates to attach a short paragraph of text to a document, XML transmission, or notification (via XSL stylesheet). Text templates are supported by the following Oracle Transportation Management business objects and Global Trade Management objects:

  • Agent
  • Bill
  • Bill of Lading (BOL) Back
  • Buy Shipment
  • Device
  • Device Association
  • Document
  • Document Definition
  • Driver
  • Equipment
  • Financial Feed
  • Invoice
  • Item
  • Job
  • License
  • License Line
  • Order Base
  • Order Release
  • Order Release Line
  • Power Unit
  • Quote
  • Remark Qualifier
  • Sell Shipment
  • Shipping Agent
  • Shipping Agent Contact
  • Ship Unit
  • SKU
  • Transaction Line
Generally, for text templates to be associated with a business object:
  1. Find the business object to which you want to attach the text template.
  2. Select and save the text template to the business object.
  3. Save the business object.
  4. Generate the XML for the business object.

    Note: To have the XML uniquely formatted, choose an XLS stylesheet.


Text templates may be used to populate remarks for a business object, like an order release. In general, remarks are used for ad hoc notation on the business object.

  1. When writing a remark, click the double arrow to the right of the text entry field. A drop-down list of all viable templates appears.
  2. When you select the text template from the list, the text will populate in the text field.

For repeated, commonly occurring comments, the text template should be used for documents.


A text template can be optionally provided to an external downstream system for document generation.

In order for a text template to be captured by a document preparation system the following conditions are needed:

  • A business object has a text template associated with it. Oracle Transportation Management can send all text templates associated with the business object via XML integration. The reporting system can assign the text templates to the report where appropriate. Alternatively, the reporting system can query the text templates directly from the Oracle Transportation Management database.
  • The same business object has a document associated with it.
  • A business object has a standard document associated with it, and that standard document has the text template. In this case, the reporting system can query appropriate text templates from the  Oracle Transportation Management database, relying on  Oracle Transportation Management business rules to determine which text belongs on which document.

Note: XML Integration does not currently support the output of standard documents; they must be queried.

If these conditions are met, the template statement can be inserted onto the document if there is a place provided on the document.

For example, you would like to attach a text template to a shipment stating "This shipment was prepared by clerk 28." Initially, a text template needs to be created with the text message of "This shipment was prepared by clerk 28." Each time this template is attached to a shipment or a standard document on a shipment, the statement "This shipment was prepared by clerk 28" is available for reporting either embedded within the shipment's XML or directly from the database.

Note: Document Text supports the functionality of both standard and parameterized text types.

Note: Text templates can be automatically associated to new business objects using the Auto Assignment Rule.

Text Templates

  1. Select a Text Template ID to attach document text to a business object's document.
  2. Find or create a document type for the text template.
  3. If you want to override the selected text template, and overriding is allowed, enter your text in the Text field.
  4. Click the Save button to attach a text template and associate multiple text templates to a business object.

Text Template Manager

The text template manager page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Document Generation > Text Template.

  1. Enter a Text Template ID that will uniquely identify the text message.
  2. Select the Data Query Type for which the text template should apply to.

    Note: You can select from all template types if the template is going to be used for document text. However, only related template types are available for adding Remark Text to a business object. For example, only text template IDs related to INVOICE will be available when adding Remark Text in the Invoice Manager.

  3. Select the Domain Name in which you want to create the text message. Only domains to which you have access privileges are displayed.
  4. Enter the Text to be displayed in either the document or remark text areas of the business object. There are different types of text.

    Note: Do not space a text declaration out with the ENTER key.

  5. Select the Modifiable check box if you want to be able to update the text.

Document Type

  1. Selecting a Document Type allows you to associate this template with specific document types, for example, bills of lading. To allow a template to apply to all document types, leave this grid empty.
  2. Click Save to save the document type.

Text Types

A text template can support the following types of text:

  • Standard Text: can be used in Document and Remark Text message options. Inputting standard text displays exactly what was written in the text box in either the Document or Remark Text message options.
  • Parameterized Text: can be used in Document and Remark Text message options. However, its functionality works only with Document text. Parameterized text combines standard text with the ability to plug variable text into certain business objects.

Entering parameterized text must be in the format { VARIABLE_NAME} with the variable name being capitalized. For example, when entering an invoice number the text message should read:

Your invoice number is { INVOICE_NUMBER}

In this instance the specific invoice number to the shipment would be plugged into where { INVOICE_NUMBER} would be on the printed document. Not all business objects support parameterized text. Listed below are the business objects with which parameterized text works.

Business Object

Variable Name

Document Displays

Order Base


{ REFNUM/ qualifier}

{PARTY/ qualifier}

Order Base

Order base refnum value for qualifier

Order base involved party of qualifier

Order Release


{ RELEASE_REFNUM/ qualifier}





{PARTY/ qualifier}

Order release

Order release refnum value for qualifier

Order base refnum value for qualifier

Source location

Destination location

Order base

Order base involved party of qualifier





{REFNUM/ qualifier}





Transport mode

Shipment perspective (B/S)


Service provider name

Source location

Destination location








{REFNUM/ qualifier}


Invoice number

Correction code

Service provider alias

Service Provider

Service Provider alias of qualifier

Order Release Line





{REFNUM/ qualifier}

Release line


Packaged item


Release line refnum value for qualifier

Order Ship Unit



{REFNUM/ qualifier}

Ship unit


Ship unit refnum value for qualifier





{ JOB}



{REFNUM/ qualifier}

{PARTY/ qualifier}

{JOB RELEASE/release element}


Job query type

Job consolidation type

Job refnum value for qualifier

Job involved party of qualifier

For each release on the job




Shipping Agent


Shipping Agent