Business Process Automation

Quick Codes

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Status > Quick Codes.

Quick codes allow you to enter status and reason information quickly. They include all the important information associated with setting statuses and reasons when prompted. This way, you only need to enter the Quick Code when prompted for a reason for adding an event or performing an action.

If you do not use a Quick Code, you need to enter the following information separately:

  1. Identify the Quick Code ID.
  2. Select the Domain Name for which it is applicable.
  3. Enter a Description of the quick code.
  4. Select the Enable for Mobile Use check box if you want the mobile application to have a smaller list of quick events to choose from.
  5. The Enable for Action Reason check box allows you to display this quick code on Award Reason Code finder on the View All Bid options and Award Bid screens. 

    If you do not want to view quick codes on the Award Reason Code finder, deselect the Enable for Action Reason check box.
  6. Select a Responsible Party. This describes the person that is performing the action.
  7. Depending on your selection, choices will appear for statuses. The status and reason you define next describe the event and a reason that the action has happened.
  8. Select the appropriate Status Group, as well as the appropriate Status Code below it.
  9. Based on your status selections, options appear for you to select a Reason Group, as well as a Reason Code below that.
  10. You can also enter Comments to associate with the Quick Code.

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