Business Process Automation

Reason Codes

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Status > Reason Codes.

Reason Codes describe why a particular event or action occurred. For example, an event may state that the shipment is delayed and the reason code states that the shipment was delayed because of bad weather.

Reason Codes also explain why a particular action was performed. If Oracle Transportation Management is configured for you to record reasons for performing an action, you are prompted to enter a reason code manually or via a quick code.

Oracle Transportation Management ships with codes set to match EDI-214 standard codes in the PUBLIC domain.

Adding Additional Reason Codes

  1. Enter a unique identifier for the Reason Code ID.
  2. Enter a Description for the code.
  3. Optionally, select comment from the Requires list.
  4. If you are only adding one record, click Finished.

    If you are adding more than one record, click New and repeat steps 1-3. Be sure to click Finished after adding the last code.

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