Configuration and Administration

Record Event Reasons

Use this page to record the reasons why this action is being performed.

Note: This page only appears if reasons were pre-configured for the action you are running. Not all of the fields described here may appear, depending on the scenario.

Quick Code

The Quick Code field provides an alternate short cut for entering status and reason codes. By merely entering a configured Quick Code, the Responsible Party, Status and Reason are automatically populated. Quick Codes are also configured in Status Messages Power Data.

Responsible Party, Status, and Reason

If you do not use a quick code for entering status and reason codes, then you must enter the following information manually.

The Responsible Party describes the person or people that will be affected by the action. The values that appear in this field are determined by the Responsible Party Profile that is assigned to this action using the Audit Action page.

By default, Oracle Transportation Management provides various Responsible Party Profiles that contain Responsible Parties that appear in the list.  Each of these Responsible Parties is pre-configured with public status and reason codes. Once you select a Responsible Party, the Status and Reason fields will have specific values to choose from.

Choose status and reason codes that describe the event and a reason that the action has happened. A status is a category or grouping code for status codes. After you choose a status, various status codes appear.

A Reason group is a category or grouping for reason codes. Choose a reason and various reason codes are displayed.

The values that you can choose for Status and Reason are pre-configured in Status Messages Power Data and are based on the Responsible Party.

Email Notification

You can send anyone an email containing the currently displayed reason information by clicking notify and entering a valid email address. The person who you are notifying does not need to be defined as a Contact. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma to broadcast a message to multiple email addresses.

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