Status Groups

This page is accessed via:

  • Business Process Automation > Power Data > Status > Status Groups
  • Master Data > Power Data > Status Codes > Status Groups

Status Groups link status codes and reason codes. Based on how your status codes and reason codes are set up, what you link to the status group on this page dictates what statuses and reasons are available to users when they record reasons and define quick codes.

It is important to remember, that:

Adding a Status Group

  1. Enter a unique identifier in the Status Group field. You will use this ID when you refer to this status group on other pages.
  2. Enter the name of the status group in the Name field.
  3. Enter an object type in the Data Query Type field to determine the business object for which you are creating the status group. If left blank, then this status group can be used across all object types.
  4. If desired, enter additional information about the status group in the Description field.
  5. Enter the code of the status group in the Code field.

Note: This field is used only for Global Trade Management.

  1. Select a domain in which this status group will be active from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  2. Enter any number of Reason Group Profiles and click Save to assign to this status group. What you enter here will drive what reason groups and reason codes are available to users when they record reasons and define quick codes.
  3. Enter any number of Status Code Profiles and click Save to assign to this status group. What you enter here will drive what status codes are available to users when they record reasons and define quick codes.
  4. For both reason group profiles and status code profiles, if you use any that include "All," then you can select the Exclude check box to specify which profiles you do not want to include.
  5. Select the domain in which each reason group profile and status code profile  will be active from the respective Domain Name drop-down lists.
  6. Click Finished.

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