Shipment Management

Shipment Tracking Events

This page is accessed via Shipment Actions. From Shipment Actions, select Shipment Management > Events > View Shipment Tracking Events.

Click Add Shipment Tracking Event to enter a new shipment tracking event.

Note: Using the property, you can control the appearance of the Add Shipment Tracking Event button on the Shipment Tracking Events page after performing the View Shipment Tracking Events web action on the Buy Shipment Events Manager screen.

The Shipment Tracking Events page displays event details for the shipment you selected. The page displays specific shipment attributes such as reference numbers, source, destination, equipment number, and comments.

Any shipment tracking events that have been previously recorded for the shipment appear in the Shipment Tracking Event History grid. The grid details activities for a shipment. You can enter comments about shipment events in the Event Comments field.

Note: Tracking events must be matched to their related shipments. This is true even when you run the Add Shipment Tracking Event action on a selected shipment. To automatically match the entered tracking event to the shipment you have two options:

1. Set up a parameter set with Auto Match to Object ID(s) set to TRUE and assign it to a domain via domain settings. This will match the shipment to the tracking event based on ID.

2. Configure an automation agent listening for the event TRACKING EVENT - PROCESSING REQUEST and use the Match Shipment agent action configured based on your desired matching method e.g., By Shipment ID, By Matched Equipment, By Saved Query.

View Milestones

Click View Milestones to view all the Milestone Monitor information associated with this shipment.

Shipment Information

The following header fields display general shipment information:

  • Shipment Reference Number: identifies the shipment, via reference numbers, associated with this event.
  • Shipment Qualifier: identifies the type of reference number used for a particular shipment. Valid qualifiers are defined in Power Data.

Shipment Tracking Event History

This table displays shipment tracking event information describing activity on a shipment.




This indicates if a row is hidden from other users. You can hide an event by selecting it and clicking the Hide Event button just below the rows. Once hidden, these events will not be displayed on the normal event page.

Event Description

Defines a particular event. For example, US Customs hold at In-bond destination.

Event Location

The location, latitude, longitude, associated with the shipment tracking event. The property glog.shipmentstatus.locationOptions controls the address components that are visible for a location on the shipment events screen.

Event Date/Time

The date and time associated with the shipment tracking event.

Reason Description

Defines the reason for the event. For example, shipment overweight defines why the shipment is held in bond.

Reporting User

The ID of the user who entered the shipment tracking event. A user ID includes a user name and domain.

Contact Name

Name of the person who provided the shipment tracking event.

Contact Function Code

The role of the person who provided the shipment tracking event.


The temperature as reported on the event.


There is a link to additional information.


Shipment Details

The following fields display more specific shipment information:

  • Source Geography: defines the pickup location for the shipment.
  • Destination Geography: defines the delivery location for the shipment.
  • Equipment Initial/Number: identifies the equipment used for the shipment.
  • Pickup Date/Time: defines the estimated pickup date and time based on the local time for the source location.
  • Delivery Date/Time: defines the estimated delivery date and time based on the local time at the destination location.

Shipment Comments

This section displays any Remarks that have been recorded on the shipment using the Shipment Manager or when the shipment was tendered.

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