Business Process Automation

View Milestones

You can view Milestone Monitors via the Shipment Event page by going to: Shipment Execution > Events > Buy Shipment Event (or) Sell Shipment Events, perform a search from the find page, then click the desired shipment and click View Milestones.

The Milestone Monitors associated with the shipment you selected are displayed in the table. If multiple Milestone Monitors were associated with the shipment, they are shown as different rows in the table. Each milestone that belongs to the Milestone Monitor is listed as a sub-row underneath it.

Below are the fields and columns displayed in the View Milestones table:



Shipment ID

The Shipment ID that you are viewing the milestone details of.

Milestone Monitor ID

The unique identifier of the milestone monitor associated with the shipment. If there are multiple milestone monitors associated with the shipment, they are displayed as different rows in the table.

Milestone Template Name

The name of the Milestone Template that the milestone monitor belongs to.

Milestone Template ID

The unique identifier of the Milestone Template that the milestone monitor belongs to.

Last Milestone Event

Indicates if milestone event is the last one, meaning it completes a milestone monitor. A shipment may have more than one last milestone event. In addition, a last milestone event is not necessarily listed last because sometimes one or two events (for example, a RESET STOP TIMERS event) occur after it.


The name of the milestone followed by the stop number.

Stop Location

For shipment events, Stop Location displays the Location ID of the stop to which the shipment event applies. For milestones, Stop Location displays the location ID of the stop that the milestone is listening for.


Displays the event that occurred, if applicable.

Status Code

Describes the type of event or activity that occurred, if applicable.

Reason Code

Describes why a particular event or activity occurred, if applicable.

Event Occurred Date

Date/time when the event occurred.

Event Received Date

Date/time when the event was received by the system.

Expiration Date

The date that a time-based event expires.

Occurrence Count

The number of times that the milestone occurred. Some events have a limited number of occurrences.

Perform Action

Indicates that any actions associated with the milestone will be performed when the milestone occurs.


If a milestone event is marked Mandatory then it must be processed. For example, if the milestone marked as Last Milestone is processed thereby preventing a Mandatory milestone from processing, an exception occurs since the mandatory milestone should have occurred before the process stopped.


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