Business Process Automation

Milestone on a Milestone Monitor

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Agents and Milestones > Milestone Monitor > Add Milestone.

The Monitor Milestone page displays the milestone attributes on the milestone monitor. These attributes were inherited from the milestone template that was used to create the milestone monitor. Since the milestone monitor is assigned to a specific business object, you can modify any of these attributes to fine-tune how you want to monitor the object. Modifications that you make here are not reflected on the original template and are specific to the milestone monitor you are editing.

Many of these fields are exactly the same as those on the milestone template.

Note: If you have marked the Reassign Milestone Monitor check box on a milestone attribute on the milestone template, most fields on this page are grayed out. This is because new milestone monitors are created based on your milestone template settings every time any of the events in the milestone occurs.

Adding Milestones to Milestone Monitors

  1. Enter a Milestone ID.
  2. Enter a Milestone Name.
  3. Enter a Recorded Event Count Limit. This is  the maximum number of events that are received by this milestone that its query condition evaluated true and the event was recorded. If the number of occurrences exceeds this number, the specific  business object's Max Occurrence Count Exceeded event is raised. You can assign this event to another milestone agent for further processing.
  4. Enter a Level. Enter a whole number to indicate the order in which the milestone will be displayed on the Milestone Template page and in the Milestone Monitors page. For example, if you want this milestone to appear first in lists in milestone monitors, enter 1. The level number is for display purposes only; it does not affect the actual order in which the milestone occurs. This attribute is useful for making the display order of milestones parallel their actual order of occurrence.
  5. If you select the Time Based Event check box, this attribute will automatically raise an event that will model time-based scenarios. You can model with either a set date or a date relative to an event. When Time Based Event is selected you will be unable to set up another event. Therefore the event section of this page is hidden when this check box is selected.

    When the Time Based Event check box is selected, a new grid on the page called Time Details appears. Use the Time Details section to model your specific scenario.
  6. If you select the Mandatory check box this attribute specifies that the milestone must receive an event at least once during its life. Its life is determined to be over when a final milestone has received an event.

    If any event defined for this milestone is not received, the system automatically initiates the business object's Mandatory Missing event that you can assign to another milestone for further processing.
  7. If you select the Last Milestone Event check box, this attribute specifies that when an event defined by this milestone occurs, the milestone monitor is considered  to be complete. A Last Milestone Event also triggers the monitoring of Missing Mandatory Milestones.

    More than one event can be selected as the Last Milestone Event for a milestone monitor. In that case, if any one of the Last Milestone Events occur, then the milestone will be considered complete.

    The Last Milestone Events for Shipments only, if any, for a specific shipment are indicated by the View Events action in the Shipment Manager.
  8. If you select the Monitor Event check box the system  records the occurrence of any event for the agent assigned to this milestone.
  9. If you select the Perform Action check box the system performs the action(s) of the agent that is assigned to this milestone when that agent's events occur.
  10. If you select the Disabled check box, it disables the milestone so that it cannot be automatically enabled by events (unlike deactivation, which allows events to re-enable milestones). To re-enable a disabled milestone, clear this check box. This check box does not appear on the template.
  11. Milestone monitors can be designed to monitor related shipments. Trigger Related Monitoring is available for Shipments and Sell Side Shipments objects only. When this is checked, starting from the first shipment in the graph, all shipments are found and their corresponding monitors are processed. The current milestone is compared with the next milestone even across the Milestone Monitors. This Milestone will not be linked by the dependency service: - Sequence - Event Occur Date. Also, it will have a display level of 99. When one of these related milestones receives an event, related monitoring will raise the following events:
    • MONITORED SHIPMENT - MISSING SEQUENCE MILESTONE (raised if a predecessor milestone has not been received, including previous related milestones).
    • MONITORED SHIPMENT - OCCUR DATE OUT OF SEQUENCE (raised if a previous milestone's last event's occurrence date is later than the milestone's last event's occurrence date).
    • MONITORED SHIPMENT - RELATED PROFILING SUCCESSFUL (raised as a result of related monitoring, the previous 2 conditions above).
  12. If you have not selected the Time Based Event check box, enter an Event.
  13. Enter Restrictions for the event.
  14. Click Save for each event you enter.
  15. Enter a Saved Condition. The saved condition lets you narrow the selection of a business object base on user-defined criteria.
  16. Enter a Threshold ID.
  17. Click Add Action to optionally record agent actions that perform specific tasks when the milestone occurs. An automation agent is automatically created and associated with the milestone when you enter this data. The automation agent ID is the same as the Milestone ID.

Business Object Details

When a Shipment, Order Base or Order Release Milestone Monitor Milestone is edited, you are able to view the specific business object details.

Replication Criteria

If from-where clauses or specific equipment criteria were specified in the milestone template that assigned this milestone monitor, those criteria appear here.

Tolerance Rule

These attributes are the same as those defined on the milestone template.

Time Details

You can update the fixed expiration date of a milestone. After changing your settings, the milestone is then scheduled with the new expiration date. The remaining attributes are the same as those defined on the milestone template.

Monitor Successor Milestones

  1. Click the Add Milestone Link button to add a milestone link. Milestone links are predecessor/successor relationships between milestones. Milestone links are optional and there can be one or more links between two milestones. The link sequence determines the order in which they are processed and the dependency service describes the nature of the link. If a milestone is deleted, its successor links are also deleted.

Recorded Events

This section of the milestone page displays summary statistics for the events that are assigned to this milestone.

  • Total Count: Displays the number of times each agent event occurred.
  • Last Event Occur Date: Date/time when the last event occurred (of all the events that the milestone is listening for).
  • Last Event Received Date: Date/time when the last  event was received (of all the events that the milestone is listening for).

Display additional event details by clicking View Event History.

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