Business Process Automation

Event History

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Audit Trail Management > By Event.

This page displays the details of the event history by transaction number.

  • Agent Event ID: Displays the event that occurred.
  • Event Group ID: The Event Group ID for the event that occurred.
  • Object ID: Identifies the specific business object  that was assigned to the milestone monitor. The assignment is made based on the events associated with the assignment criteria defined on the milestone monitor template.
  • Event Received Date*: Date/time when the event was received.
  • Event Occur Date*: Date/time when the event occurred.
  • Transaction Number: The transaction number for the external status messages entered through integration.
  • Exception Monitor Agent ID: This is the Monitor Agent against which this exception was detected
  • Triggered Exception Milestone ID: This is the Monitor Agent that triggered the detection of an exception. This is for related monitors where in one exception monitors the entire business object graph looking for exceptions. In that case, this would be the milestone with the related monitoring flag set to true.

An example to explain this further:

If there are 3 milestones: x1 (listens for shipment status received on stop 1), x2 (listens for shipment status received on stop 2), x3 (listens for missing milestone exceptions). x1 and x2 have related profiling set to true. Oracle Transportation Management gets a shipment status received message for stop 2. As a result, x2 is triggered and related profiling starts. As part of the related profiling, it is detected that x1 is a missing milestone (since x1 was supposed to happen before x2). The profile is checked to see if there is a milestone agent listening for this exception. In this case, there is one, x3. An event is created against x3 indicating that a missing milestone was detected for x1 (Exception Monitor Agent ID) and the process was initiated by x2 (Triggered Exception Milestone ID).

Note: The Event Occurred and Received date/times depend on the type of event that was recorded and whether it was recorded from the user interface or via integration. In some cases, these dates and times will be the same. For example, the occurred and received date/times of a Shipment Created event will be identical. However, some events can occur before they are received in via integration. In those cases, these dates and times can be different.

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