Shipment Management

View Shipment Event History

Shipment events describe activity that occurs during the life cycle of shipment. For example, events can indicate that a shipment is late arriving at a location and why. View all the events associated with a shipment on this page.

The property glog.shipment.viewevents.sortorder controls in what order the shipment events are shown in the shipment events history page.

Note: Enter event messages through integration or in Shipment Tracking Events.

Shipment Events Results

The following fields display in the Shipment Events Results page:

  • Shipment ID: The ID for the current shipment.
  • Status Code: Indicates the type of event or activity that occurred.
  • Reason Code: Describes why a particular shipment event occurred.
  • Event Group: Describes how Oracle Transportation Management responds to a shipment event.
  • Event Date/Time: The date and time associated with the shipment event.
  • Reporting User: The ID of the user who entered the shipment event. A user ID includes a user name and domain.
  • Reporting Method: Indicates the method used to enter the shipment event:
    • WEB: entered using the Shipment Events Manager
    • EDI: entered through integration
  • Stop Location: Displays the location ID for the stop that the event was recorded against.
  • View Comments: Click the icon to display any comments that have been recorded for the event. The comments appear in the Comments field.

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