Shipment Management

Shipment Manager: Identification

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments or Sell Shipments.

Shipments represent the movement of sets of freight from one location to another, activity at a cross-dock, and non-moving charges associated with shipping activity. All the details associated with transportation activity are included on the shipment. For example, the pickup and delivery times, equipment, transport mode, payment terms, item detail, rate record, rate offering, accessorial and special service charges, ship unit, line item, and hazardous material identifiers are all included in the information associated with a shipment.

In most cases, shipments are created from one or more order releases, which are either created in the Order Manager or sent from an external system. Oracle Transportation Management can plan shipments from multiple order releases using the Bulk Planner. You can modify the planning logic to produce shipments according to the needs of your organization.

Use the Shipment Manager page to monitor shipment activity, enter manual buy shipments, modify shipments, create shipment templates, and perform various shipment related tasks. For example, you can use the Shipment Manager to tender shipments, change service provider, change equipment group, create continuous moves, view related shipments, or change planned, estimated, or actual arrival/departure dates and times. After you perform a particular task, Oracle Transportation Management takes the appropriate action. For example, if you tender a shipment, Oracle Transportation Management notifies the service provider stating that the shipment can be picked up.

You can create shipments in the Shipment Manager without first defining orders for the shipment. The shipment you create gets planned by Oracle Transportation Management the same as shipments that begin with orders; however, there are no orders associated with the shipments. These shipments are not bundled with other orders or automatically executed. The shipment you create is primarily a buy shipment, but you can produce billing information from it that represents the cost to the customer.

Buy shipments represent services a planner buys from a service provider. A buy shipment can include one or more orders, customers, and pickup and delivery locations to produce the optimal process for shipping goods at the least cost meeting time and safety requirements for the orders.

When creating a buy shipment, Oracle Transportation Management runs processing to associate one or more order releases with a single itinerary, rate, equipment type, and a service provider. Oracle Transportation Management then determines the route and pickup and delivery times for the shipment.

Sell shipments represent the cost for shipping freight to a specific final customer and contains the order for only one customer. Use sell shipments to provider customers with a view into shipment activity. Sell shipments are created automatically.

While most shipments are created from orders, you can create shipments manually (Shipment as Work) that do not contain order information. This type of shipment is not bundled, consolidated, or re-sequenced.

Note: The Shipment as Work and Shipment as Work Creation agents can be activated and edited to automate shipment processing.

The following rules apply to manual shipments:

  • Manual shipments must have only one source and destination.
  • Manual shipments cannot be re-planned with shipments created in the Order Manager, or Process Manager.
  • Manual shipments do not use itineraries.

If your shipment has a large number of ship units the shipment edit and view screens can be slow to open. You may also get a proxy error. To get either the view or edit screen to open quicker, you can set the corresponding property to true: "glog.webserver.shipment.ignoreEquipmentSummaryForEditScreen" and "glog.webserver.shipment.ignoreEquipmentSummaryForViewScreen". They are false by default.


Note: If you have a shipment with both the weight and the volume as zero, you can have the Loaded Distance calculated as 0. To do so, use the property

  1. Enter a Shipment ID. If you leave this field blank, Oracle Transportation Management automatically generates a value when you complete the shipment creation process. Entering a value in the field overrides the automatically generated Shipment ID.
  2. Select the Domain Name in which you want to create the shipment. Only domains to which you have access privileges are displayed.
  3. To designate this shipment as a template, mark the Template check box. Designating a shipment as a template enables you to save frequently-used data, but prevents any action from being taken on the shipment, such as planning, rating, or tendering. You can then use the shipment template to build subsequent shipments, which reduces data entry time since the common data stored in the template will be pre-populated.
  4. The Shipment as Work check box identifies a manually-entered shipment. You can use this, as search criteria, to locate manual shipments. When as shipment is set to "shipment as work" it will not have any orders associated with it, and several actions will not work against the shipment.
  5. Enter an optional Shipment Name to help you reference the shipment later. The Shipment Name can be any name you specify.
  6. The Service Provider ID is the carrier responsible for transporting the shipment. For planned shipments, Oracle Transportation Management performs calculations to select the lowest cost service provider. After the shipment is created, Oracle Transportation Management sends a tender offer to the service provider.
  7. Select the Service Provider Fixed option to indicate that the Service Provider for this shipment is fixed. Marking the Service Provider as fixed prevents Oracle Transportation Management from suggesting other Service Providers during recalculation or shipment actions.
  8. The Preferred Carrier indicator identifies whether a shipment uses a preferred service provider for it's given lane. Preferred Service Providers are defined using rate preferences.

    Re-running the planning logic would trigger a re-evaluation of the value for this indicator. Explicitly changing a service provider would, irrespective of whether the end state lane/ carrier value is preferred, change the value of the indicator to indicate "not preferred". Oracle Transportation Management re-evaluates this indicator whenever a service provider or rate is changed based using the appropriate actions. Oracle Transportation Management does not revalue the indicator if you manually change the shipment via the user interface.
  9. The Transport Mode field defines the mode used for the shipment; for example, truck load, rail, air, etc. The transportation mode effects how the shipment is planned. For example, equipment, rate and service provider are all determined by the transportation mode that you select.
  10. A value is entered in the Shipment Type ID field by Oracle Transportation Management after you create the shipment. The Shipment Type can also be assigned based on how the shipment was created/planned; for example, via a cross-dock or as a secondary or non-freight related charge. If this field is null for some reason, the type 'Transport' will be assumed.
    • Secondary Charge: Identifies a non-moving charge associated with another shipment or a shipment group. Secondary charge shipments do not need to be tendered or executed.
    • Non Freight Related Charge: Identifies a shipment that was created as a non-freight related charge on a Job. You can only view these shipments via the Job Details page.
    • LineHaul: You can assign this type manually for identification purposes. Oracle Transportation Management does not assign this type as a result of planning or object creation logic.
    • Transport: Identifies a shipment that travels from a source to a destination location.
    • Pool: Represents a shipment travelling from a deconsolidation pool to its destination location.
    • Handling: Represents shipment activity within a cross-dock.
  11. Enroute Status displays where the shipment is in the transport process.
  12. The Status button displays when viewing or editing a shipment. Clicking Status displays status types and their values. Use the shipment status information to learn about activity on the shipment. A status type defines a particular activity on a shipment. A status value defines the shipment's current progress regarding that activity. A status type is always paired with a status value.
  13. Planned Transport Mode and Planned Service Provider ID are display-only fields that display the original transport mode and service provider that was selected when this shipment was originally planned from an order. The values in these fields do not change as changes are made to the shipment that may impact the transport mode or service provider so you have a record of the mode/service provider that was originally planned. You can compare these values to those in the Transport Mode and Service Provider fields to see how these assignments have changed since planning as a result of running specific actions such as Change Service Provider or Change Mode. These files are not populated if you are creating a manual shipment (Shipment as Work).
  14. For shipments planned by Oracle Transportation Management the Start Time will display the arrival time at the first stop and the End Time will show the departure time at the last stop.  For manually entered shipment you can add the start time and end time to the shipment using these fields.
  15. Duration displays the calculated amount of time between the start and end times.
  16. The Equipment Group displays the equipment that was assigned to the shipment.
  17. Select the Tender Contact Fixed option to indicate that the Tender Contact for this shipment is fixed. Marking the Tender Contact as fixed prevents the Tender Contact from being changed via the Assign Tender Contact action. Additionally, marking the Tender Contact as fixed prevents the Tender Contact from being changed when changing service providers.
  18. The fields Equipment Initial, Equipment Number and Sole Packaged Item ID are used for tracking. The Sole Packaged Item field will be populated when there is just one packaged item or commodity on the shipment.
  19. The Waybill Date represents the contractually agreed date that the freight changes hands from the shipper to the carrier. If the Waybill Date is set, then this date (instead of the shipment start date) will be used for selecting a rate record when the shipment is re-rated (for example via the Rerate and Redrive action).
  20. Earliest Start Time and Latest Start Time based on settings within certain parameters. These fields are in addition to the existing Start Time, which represents the best Start Time. The combination of these time fields enables you to not only see the best start time but also the earliest possible start time and the latest possible start time while keeping the shipment feasible. It provides a time window in which a shipment can start.

    • Earliest Start Time is the earliest time this shipment can start and still be feasible.
    • Latest Start Time is the latest time this shipment can start and still be feasible.
    • Best Start Time (Start Time) is calculated based on the Earliest Start Time or Latest Start Time depends on the parameters activated. When calculated, best Start Time minimizes the wait time.

      Note: Oracle Transportation Management does not compute earliest and latest start times, only the best start time, for actions other than build shipment and bulk plan (single-leg only).

  21. There are two parameters that set rules pertaining to how the earliest, latest, and best start times are calculated: HOLD AS LATE AS POSSIBLE and COMPUTE SHIPMENT TIME WINDOW. Additionally the property impacts time windows on multistop shipments.
  22. The Feasibility Code displays the current feasibility state of the shipment. When a shipment is first planned it is assigned a feasibility code of FEASIBLE which means that it passed all the planning logic and main compatibility checks for rates, pick/delivery time, and equipment. However, a shipment can become infeasible as a result of data changes or planning actions such as recalculating costs or changes in service providers, stop sequence, etc. There are many cases when a shipment becomes infeasible; for example, if changes on the order ship unit causes increased activity time on the shipment so that it misses the delivery time window, or if the equipment becomes overloaded after new ship units are loaded. One of the following codes determines the feasibility status of the shipment:
    • Feasible
    • Time Infeasible
    • Equipment Infeasible
    • Rate Infeasible
  23. If the shipment will be made on combination equipment (e.g. a multi-trailer rig), enter the combination equipment group ID in the Combination Equipment Group ID field.
  24. Select the Temp. Controlled option to identify a shipment that requires temperature control. You define equipment in Power Data and can decide which equipment can carry such material.
  25. Select the Hazardous option to identify a shipment carrying hazardous material. When this box is checked, Oracle Transportation Management runs a hazardous material check to determine if the shipment complies with the user-defined rules for carrying hazardous material. These rules are checked against item, packaging, mode, and the destination of the shipment. If the shipment fails the hazardous material check, you cannot print a bill of lading. See Hazardous Material Settings and Implications.

    Note: If the Hazardous check box is marked, you must also enter a HAZMAT Region and HAZMAT Mode ID on the shipment header.

  26. If the shipment is transporting hazardous material, enter a HAZMAT Mode ID and HAZMAT Region ID. When a shipment carrying hazardous freight is built, Oracle Transportation Management matches the HAZMAT Mode and Region with item and packaging information on the shipment against the rules for carrying hazardous material defined in the Hazardous Material manager. If the shipment passes the hazardous material check, you can print a Bill of Lading.
  27. An Intermediary Corporation ID contracts with a service provider to move freight on behalf of the customer. An intermediary corporation  most often defines the part that a 3PL plays in the shipping process and is important for the settlement functions for the shipment. The intermediary corporation gets paid by the customer and may make payment to the service provider for transporting the shipment.
  28. The Total Number of Reference Units displays the total number of equipment reference units (ERU) for each order release on the shipment. ERUs represent the amount of space a Ship Unit Specification uses in a piece of equipment and are assigned to an equipment group.
  29. The identifier for the bulk plan run displays in the Bulk Plan ID field. The Bulk Plan ID is generated by the Business Number Generator when you perform a bulk plan using the Bulk Plan action in the Order Release Manager. Its default format is [ YYYYMMDD]-[0000]. The Bulk Plan ID displays only if this shipment was created as a result of bulk plan run.
  30. The Driver Assignment Bulk Plan ID shows the fleet bulk plan ID for the driver assignment.
  31. The Equipment Assignment Bulk Plan ID shows the fleet bulk plan ID for the equipment assignment.
  32. The Parameter Set ID field indicates what parameter set was used to create the shipment. If the Use Parameter Set on Shipment check box on the Domain Settings page is selected, this parameter will be used when running shipment actions.

    Note: The elements of a parameter set can change over time. Just because the same parameter set is specified, the results can be different. If you change the configuration of a parameter set between shipment creation and shipment modification, you could get different results.

  33. The Itinerary ID shows the itinerary that was used to build the shipment appears while the Main Itinerary Leg displays the ID for the leg of the itinerary to which the shipment is assigned.
  34. Total Net Weight/Volume displays the weight/volume of a product without any handling units or packaging. For some shippers this would include the weight/volume of the carton. However, the net weight/volume may define the quantity of usable product. In all cases, it does not include the weight/volume of the ship unit such as a pallet.
  35. Dimensional Weight: Displays the calculated dimensional weight of the shipment as determined during rating.
  36. Chargeable Weight displays the greater of: the shipment's total weight or the number of packages * minimum package weight. This value  is used for parcel calculations.
  37. The Total Ship Unit Count field is calculated as the total number of ship units recorded for each ship unit on each stop of a shipment.
  38. Total Gross Weight/Volume displays weight/volume that would include all product and packaging weight. Gross weight/volume is typically used for transportation planning. It may be used for rating in most cases.
  39. The Total Package Count displays the total number of packaged items that are on this shipment. The Total Packaging Unit Count displays the total number of packaged items on this shipment. The property how the calculation is done; either calculated by summing the package count from each of the lines or multiplied by the ship unit count during summation.
  40. Tender Contact ID is the service provider to which this shipment is currently tendered. Oracle Transportation Management updates this field with the appropriate contact as the shipment proceeds through the tender process.
  41. For rail shipments only, mark the Shipment Released check box to indicate that the shipment is ready to move. If you do not mark this check box, the shipment is not executed. Do not mark it when you want to hold the shipment for better planning options.
  42. Select the Section 7 Applies option when you receive notification stating that the service provider is not liable for freight charges.
  43. Select the Service Time Fixed option to indicate that the Service Time for this shipment is fixed. Marking the Service Time as fixed prevents recalculation of the service time.
  44. The In Trailer Build option identifies whether this shipment is included in a Trailer Build shipment group.
  45. The Primary option identifies whether the shipment was created from an itinerary leg that was marked as the primary leg.
  46. Calculate Totals suppresses the calculation of the following fields when changes are made to a shipment. By default, this check box is selected meaning these fields are re-calculated when modifications occur to specific shipment data. For example, Total Weight and Volume is recalculated when new ship units are added to a shipment. When Calculated Totals is suppressed, some of the fields below allow user-entered values which are saved. These values will be overwritten when you turn Calculate Totals back on and make changes that would initiate a recalculation.
    • Total Weight
    • Total Volume
    • Total Ship Unit Count
    • Total Net Weight
    • Total Net Volume
    • Total Actual Cost
    • Total Weighted Cost
    • Total Packaging Unit Count
    • Total Item Package Count
    • First Equipment Group ID
    • Number of Order Releases
    • Number of Stops
    • Start Time
    • End Time
  47. If you want, select a non-freight related charge from the NFRC list box.
  48. The Consol ID field shows the Consol to which this shipment is assigned.
  49. Select the Permanent option to prevent the shipment from being automatically deleted if all the ship units are removed from the shipment.
  50. The Capacity Override Applicable check box is automatically marked when a capacity override for any equipment on the shipment is applied.
  51. If you are using load configuration, select the Load Config Engine Type. If you select No Load Config, no load configuration will be performed on the shipment.
  52. Find or add an appointment priority ID.
  53. Select the Currency for the shipment from the drop-down list.
  54. If you want to manually override the loaded distance calculated by the distance engine, select the Fixed Distance option and enter the new distance in the Loaded Distance field. Distance values manually entered in the Total Distance field override are overridden by values manually entered in the Distance from Previous Stop field on the Stop tab. You should only manually override the distance if the shipment has been completed and you are recording the actual mileage for the shipment.
  55. The location address of the shipment's point of origination displays in the Origin section which is the first pickup stop location of the shipment. This is true even for depot shipments where a depot stop may be planned before the first pickup stop.
  56. The location address of shipment's final destination displays in the Destination section which is the last delivery stop location for the shipment. This is true even for depot shipments where a depot stop may be the last stop after the last delivery stop.
  57. Click Set Location Overrides to change specific location content for the source/destination location.

    Note: You can also override location content for each stop location.

  58. When the shipment is created, the Port of Load ID and Port of Discharge ID fields show the source/destination via points or ports used in the shipment. These fields are populated based on the following hierarchy. The port of load and port of discharge can be populated on the same shipment from different sources. For example, the port of load can come from the rate via location, while the port of discharge comes from the leg via point.
    • OTM will use the source/destination VIA Location stop on the shipment, if available
    • Otherwise, OTM will use the VIA locations on the rate record of the shipment if the rate has a rate via constraint (VIA Source Location ID, VIA Destination Location ID). If the rate only has VIA Source/Destination Location Profile defined, OTM will not use the profile to populate the Port of Load and Port of Discharge since it is not clear which specific VIA location is used through the profile,
    • Otherwise, use source and destination location of the shipment if the shipment is port to port shipment (two-stop shipment with location role being Port).
  59. These fields can be edited. They are also used in the Rerate and Redrive shipment action which will find rate via points or leg via points that are compatible.

    Note: You cannot use the shipment Port of Load/Port of Discharge constraint when the leg and the rates have different source/destination via location constraints.

  1. The Driver ID, Secondary Driver ID and Power Unit ID fields are read only and only appear in View/Edit mode. They do not display when you are creating a new shipment. If values exist, they will display, otherwise, the fields are blank. For example, if you perform the action Assign Driver, the Driver ID will then be populated.

Reference Numbers

Use this section of the page to assign reference numbers.

Note: Shipment Reference Numbers can also be added to a shipment from the Accept a Tender/Booking page. This allows a service provider to supply additional reference numbers at the time a tender/booking is accepted.

Default Reference numbers are automatically assigned to each shipment. The shipment ID (prefixed with domain name) appears as a value with a qualifier of GLOG. A Bill of Lading number with a qualifier of BM also appears. This number is automatically generated by the Oracle Transportation Management Business Number Generator when the shipment is created and is a concatenation of the service provider and a sequence number (default). You can change the format of this reference number using the business number generator.

Note: You can disable the creation of the Bill of Lading number with the following property: glog.shipment.createBMRefNum.

If you want, you can define reference sequence numbers to define the display order of reference numbers and reference number qualifiers.

Booking Information

Use this section to enter booking information about the shipment. Booking information about a shipment can be entered manually or through integration.

Note: Service providers can also update booking information if they are capable of accepting conditional bookings.

  1. Enter a source container pickup location. The source container pickup location is the location where the service provider picks up its container once emptied.
  2. Enter a receipt location. A receipt location is a location where the service provider takes responsibility for moving the freight.
  3. Enter a source pier location. The source pier location is the pier location where the vessel is coming from and also where the inland service provider drops the freight.
  4. Enter the port of exit location. The port of exit location is the country preceding the port of load. For example if the port of load is in Montreal, Canada, but the freight originated at the Port of Chicago, then the port of exit would be the Chicago port.
  5. Enter the destination container delivery location. The destination pier location is the pier location where vessel is going to and also where the inland service provider picks the freight up from.
  6. Enter the delivery location. The delivery location is the location where the service provider relinquishes responsibility for moving the freight.
  7. Enter a Destination Pier Location ID.
  8. Enter a CFS Location ID. This is for information only.
  9. Enter the rail date. The rail date is the date when a container gets put on rail car.
  10. Enter the sail cutoff date. The sail cutoff date is the latest date in which you can get your cargo onto the vessel.
  11. Enter a sail date. The sail date is the date the vessel sails.
  12. The CFS Cutoff Date can be used for reference. It is for information only.
  13. Enter a port of exit date. The port of exit date is the date the freight leaves the port of exit location.
  14. Enter a port of discharge ETA. The port of discharge ETA is the freight's estimated time of arrival to the port of discharge location.
  15. Optionally, enter an SI Cutoff Date. This is for information only.

Copying Master Booking Data

Changes made to following master booking data on a buy shipment can be automatically copied to the corresponding sell shipment and vice-versa based on their related order.

  • Voyage ID
  • Start Time
  • End Time
  • Port of Load
  • Port of Discharge
  • Sail Date
  • Rail Date
  • Sail Cutoff Date
  • Port Discharge ETA
  • Port Exit Date
  • Port of Exit Location
  • Source Pier Location ID
  • Destination Pier Location ID
  • Empty Container Pickup Location ID
  • Empty Container Return Location ID
  • Vessel ID

Note: All of these fields are located on the Shipment Manager.

The copying of changed data from one (primary only) shipment to another is performed via an automation agent configured with the Master Booking Data Modified event and the Copy Master Booking Data action.

The following two public automation agents can enable this processing; however, you will need to activate them. You can also create your own agent using the event and action mentioned above.


Rail Information

This section appears only if you are using the Rail Mode Shipment Manager.

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