Shipment Management

Shipment Status

Shipment statuses reflect many different aspects of shipment activity such as tendering, loading, billing, and allocation. Some statuses act as requirements for other shipment actions. Shipment statuses are defined by two values: status types and status values. You can see the statuses by clicking the Status button on shipments.

Shipments are assigned the following status types:

  • ACCRUAL: Identifies whether an order accrual is allowed. Accruals are generated when allocating shipments if the status is ACCRUAL_ALLOWED and the parameter ALLOCATION GENERATES ACCRUAL is set to true.

    Note: If no date is available on the shipment, the accrual information is based on the current date and the default exchange rate.

  • ALLOCATION_SHIPMENT: Identifies whether the cost of the shipment has been allocated among its orders and lines. Allocation is a process of dividing the cost of a shipment among the order releases associated with it. You can allocate shipment cost in the Shipment Manager.
  • APPOINTMENTS: Indicates whether appointments are made for the shipment at locations where it stops. An appointment is an arranged date and time for a shipment to arrive, load, or unload at a particular location.
  • BILLING: Indicates the billing activity on charges to customers for a shipping.
    • NEW: Oracle Transportation Management creates a bill for the customer based on information contained in the order release. The customer is the person to whom the order is being shipped. The bill can be created by the planner or sent to Oracle Transportation Management through the integration layer.
    • CALCULATED: Oracle Transportation Management calculated the bill for a customer associated with this shipment. The bill must be approved before it can be transmitted to an accounting system.
    • APPROVED: The Planner reviewed the customer bill. A voucher can be created for the bill.
    • VOUCHERED: Oracle Transportation Management transmitted a customer bill to an accounting system for handling. The voucher bill represents the amount the order owner owes based on the actual shipment of goods.
  • BOL_ACTUALS: Indicates whether shipment actuals are entered. Actuals define information about items, packaging and equipment associated with a shipment. Shipment actuals are required for printing a bill of lading. You can enter shipment actuals in Shipment Manager or by sending the data through integration.
  • BOL_PRINT: Defines the state of printing a bill of lading for the shipment. If the status is NOT_PRINTABLE then the shipment failed the hazardous material check and you cannot print a bill of lading. A shipment fails the hazardous material check when it does not meet the requirements established for transporting particular materials. To pass the hazardous materials check, you must edit the shipment.
  • CONFIRMED: Reflects the process for sending and receiving actual shipment information between a planner and a service provider.
  • ENROUTE: Defines where the shipment is in the transport process.
    • COMPLETED: All pickups and deliveries have been made and the equipment has reached its final destination.
    • DELAYED: The shipment is delayed from leaving its current location.
    • NOT_STARTED: This is the default value. It indicates that no enroute activity has occurred.
    • PARTIAL: The shipment is enroute to the current location but is not complete. A shipment is incomplete when some of the items scheduled for the shipment are missing.
    • ENROUTE: The shipment is moving from one location to another. Oracle Transportation Management places a shipment in this status as a result of a shipment event that designates the status to be ENROUTE_ENROUTE. Also, the event contains a time that is after the pickup time at the source location.
    • DIVERTED: The shipment is diverted from its original destination. Oracle Transportation Management places a shipment in this status after a planner changes a destination location.
    • MERGED: The shipment is merged into another shipment in transit. Oracle Transportation Management places this status only on shipments that are created from one or more other shipments.
    • UNLOADED - FULL: The shipment is completed unloading at its current location. This status occurs prior to loading.
    • UNLOADED - PARTIAL: The shipment is partially unloaded at its current location. This status occurs prior to loading.
  • FEASIBILITY: Indicates whether a shipment is feasible. A shipment is feasible when it can arrive at all locations within the time window determined on the orders.
  • LOAD PLAN: Sent by a warehouse system to describe activity at the pickup location.
  • PAYMENT: Reflects activity related to payments owed to a service provider by the planner for transporting the shipment.
  • RESERVATION: Determines the open/closed status of a consol or trip instance shipment.
  • REVIEWED: Reflects planning and re-planning activity on a shipment. Some of the statuses include:
    • NOT_PLANNED: The shipment is planned but has not been approved for execution. This status occurs when the shipment will be reviewed manually by the planner before the service provider is notified.
    • RE-PLAN: The shipment was planned but did not complete the execution process. The shipment is being re-planned by the shipper and is not currently being tendered to a service provider. Use this status to indicate that the shipment may be disbanded and the orders re-planned by the bulk planner.
    • EXECUTE: The shipment is reviewed and may be executed. The shipment must have this status before you can secure resources for it. The shipment receives a Bill of Lading number.
  • REVIEWED_SELL: Indicates billing activity. Some of the statuses include:
    • NOT_REVIEWED: The shipment is not ready for billing. The shipment is still enroute. You can modify the shipment while it has this status.
    • REVIEWED: The shipment is billed to a customer. You cannot modify a shipment after the bill is created. For example, you cannot recalculate the cost of a shipment any longer.
    • BILLED: The shipment is executed. A bill has been created for the shipment. You cannot modify a shipment after a bill is created.
  • SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT: Determines if an appointment needs to be scheduled for the shipment.
  • SECURE RESOURCES: Defines the tender process for a shipment. Some, but not all, of the statuses are:
    • PARTIALLY ACCEPTED: This shipment has been tendered and at least one unit of the tender have been accepted by the service provider. The remaining partially accepted shipment has been tendered to the service provider but the service provider has not responded to the tender and the tender has not timed-out.  A tender time-out occurs when the amount of time given to a service provider to respond to a tender expires.
    • BOOKED: The shipment is booked on a charter voyage. The shipment is ready to transport freight.
    • NO RESOURCES: Oracle Transportation Management tried and failed to find a carrier to accept the shipment. When a service provider declines a shipment, Oracle Transportation Management checks to see if it should re-tender the shipment to the next available, lowest cost service provider who has not already declined it. If there are no more carriers, or the number of re-tenders passes a user-defined threshold, the shipment receives this status. The shipment cannot be executed.
  • SERVPROV_UPDATE: Defines activity related to online booking and tendering.
  • SHIPMENT AGENT REVIEW: Indicates whether the shipping agents have reviewed your shipments.
  • SHIPMENT_HD_LOAD_STATUS: This is used for Transportation Intelligence only. It determines if the ETL process should extract this data and load these objects and all related data to the HDOWNER schema for Transportation Intelligence (See Data Flow to Transportation Intelligence). The status is not ready to load when the shipment is created. If you have an active agent, once the status is changed to ready to load, the ETL process will run.
  • SHIPMENT GUARANTEED DELIVERY: (reserved for future use)
  • SHIPMENT MODIFIED: Indicates when order modifications are reflected on a shipment. These statuses are triggered via the Order Base - Mod - Edit Shipment agent action.
  • TENDER CALL: Used for manual tendering.

You can define which statuses are displayed for each user by creating a status type filter and then using Manage User Access to associate the User Access Type of Status Type Filter with a particular user. When you have done so, a small arrow appears near the top of the Status window. Clicking the arrow displays all of the statuses, not just the ones displayed by the filter. Bold statuses are ones that appear in the filter, and regular ones are statuses hidden by the filter.

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