Shipment Management

Buy/Sell Shipment Quantities

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy or Sell Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Utilities > Edit Quantities.

Sometimes the shipment is not as planned and you need to make edits to reflect what actually shipped. A change may be needed for either the quantity shipped, the equipment used or the stops made. This can be called shipment actuals or shipment modification (which is sometimes called SMD).This topic address changes to shipment quantities. For other shipment modifications, see Shipment Actuals.

Shipment quantities represent the actual packaged items that are received or shipped. Use the Shipment Quantities page to confirm or update the actual quantity, weight, and volume of the packaged items that are received on a shipment. After you update information on the page, Oracle Transportation Management updates the shipment to reflect your changes.

This action does not support mixed freight, that is, ship units composed of items from different shipment ship units. If you select Edit by Shipped Order Release Amount and the shipment contains shipment ship units with lines from different order releases, you will see no lines to edit even though they exist on the shipment.

Shipment Quantities - Edit Selection

Unless the SKIP INITIAL SCREEN parameter has been set to True, a window will open that permits you to specify how you wish to modify shipment information. The screen is divided into two sections: Shipment Quantities and Options.

  1. If you select the Always Show Add Equipment Option check box, the Add Equipment section is added to the Buy Shipment Quantities page. This option is also controlled by the Always Show Add Equipment Option parameter.
  2. Use the Shipment Quantities section to define how your information is to be applied. Use the Edit By option buttons to link your edits to a shipment or a shipped order release amount. Edit by Shipment is the default.
  3. If your shipment is a single shipment, select None in the Propagation field. If your shipment is part of a multi-tier shipment, select whether your shipment edit is to affect shipments downstream only, upstream only, or both downstream and upstream. The default is Downstream Only unless the PROPAGATION TYPE parameter is set to another option.

Choosing 'None' provides the option to create new equipment on the following page. This ability is not provided for the other propagation options, because there is no ability to propagate equipment changes across shipments.

  1. In the Options section, use the Edit By option buttons to designate if you will be working with ship units or line items.
  2. Use the Weight/Volume Type option buttons to designate gross weight/volume or net weight/volume.
  3. Click Submit. Depending on your selections in step three, one of the following screens will open:

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