Shipment Management

Shipment Actuals

Sometimes the shipment is not as planned and you need to make edits to reflect what actually shipped. A change may be needed for either the quantity shipped, the equipment used or the stops made. This can be called shipment actuals or shipment modification (which is sometimes called SMD).

Some of these edits can be made via the user interface or integration; some change can be made via integration only, modified via the XML.

When a transaction code such as I/IU/U (non replacement, or 'R', transaction codes) is used on a parent object, for example a shipment, and an R based transaction code needs to be used on a child object, such as shipment stop, the supported 'R' based transaction codes are R (Replace) and RP (ReplaceParent). RC (Replace Children) is not supported in this scenario.

The SMD SYNC WITH ORDER parameter controls how an unplanned count in shipment actuals is handled. The default is true. When set to true, unplanned count of shipment ship unit will be created and associated with unplanned order movement. 

If you set the propagation and the parameter SMD SYNC WITH ORDER to true, and the ship unit count is less than order's ship unit count, the system creates additional shipment ship units and order movements to hold the unplanned count. The system creates order movements for other legs, upstream and downstream, with the order's ship unit count.

When ship unit count is equal or more than the order's ship unit count, the system creates order movements for other legs, upstream and downstream, with the specified ship unit count.

If you set the propagation as Upstream, all the upstream legs will be synced with order. Likewise, if you set the propagation as Downstream, all the downstream legs will be synced with order.
New order movements are created based on the itinerary on the shipment and the propagation direction. Consider a scenario when you add a new order release to a shipment and the shipment is on a multi-leg itinerary, the new order release's source location or destination location is not on the shipment. If the destination location of the order is not on the shipment and the propagation is set as Downstream, new order movements are created from the shipment's destination location to the order's destination location. In case of multi-leg itinerary on the shipment, multiple order movements are created according to the subsequent legs of the shipment. If there is no itinerary information on the shipment, one order movement is created from the shipment's destination location to the order's destination location. 
Likewise, if the source location of the order is not on the shipment and the propagation is set as Upstream, new order movements are created from the order's source location to shipment's source location. In case of multi-leg itinerary on the shipment, multiple order movements are created according to the previous legs of the shipment. If there is no itinerary information on the shipment, one order movement is created from the order's source location to the shipment's source location.
When you remove an order release from a shipment, and if the planning parameter SMD SYNC WITH ORDER is set to true, a new order movement is created for this removed order not only on the current leg (the leg shipment is on) to hold unplanned shipment ship units, but also propagates this behavior up or down if propagation is set. 
This propagation of sync with order upstream or downstream does not work if there are legs sharing shipment equipment (SEquipment).

Shipment Stop

OTM only supports two use cases to modify stops through shipment actuals using integration. Changing the shipment stop can only be done via the XML. This cannot be done by an action. The two use cases are determined by the parameter Set Last Stop to 99.

If the parameter is ON:

First stop 1, last stop 99, is_permanent = Y

Use IU to add new stops in the middle with stop number 2 to 98 with is_permanent = N

Use RC to delete stops in the middle.

Stop 1 and 99 can only be updated, not deleted regardless of using IU or RC.

If the parameter is OFF (default):

Make sure is_Permanent = N for all stops all the time.

Use RC to add or delete stops or use I or D explicitly to insert or delete stops.

Shipment Quantities - Edit Selection

Shipment quantities represent the actual packaged items that are received or shipped. Use the Shipment Quantities page to confirm or update the actual quantity, weight, and volume of the packaged items that are received on a shipment. After you update information on the page, OTM updates the shipment to reflect your changes.

When changing quantities, the change can be specified through the order indirectly or through the shipment directly. Shipment actual only changes the shipment. It does not change the order even when the change was specified through the order.

For details on editing actual shipment quantities, see Buy/Sell Shipment Quantities.

Shipment Equipment

You can add, update (change) or delete equipment either through the UI or integration.

Indexing shipment equipment is one use case modifying equipment through shipment actuals enabling you to tag the equipment

Via the UI

You can edit (add, update or delete) the shipment equipment via the shipment action Edit Quantities or via XML. This action is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy or Sell Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Utilities > Edit Quantities.

Note: The option to add new equipment will only display on a subsequent page if the propagation option is set to None.

Via the Integration

Note the following limitation, when using ShipmentModViaOrderLine in the Actual Shipment Transmission weight, volume, or package count changes only apply to order configuration that is 1:1 or prepack (this limitation is not applicable to auto-calc).

Related Topics

Buy/Sell Shipment Quantities - Order Release

Buy/Sell Shipment Quantities - Order Release Line Item

Buy/Sell Shipment Quantities - Order Release Ship Unit

Buy/Sell Shipment Quantities - Shipment

Buy/Sell Shipment Quantities - Shipment Line Item