Shipment Management

Buy/Sell Shipment Quantities - Shipment Line Item

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy or Sell Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Utilities > Edit Quantities. On the Shipment Quantities - Edit Selection screen, select Edit By Shipment and Edit By Line Items and then click Submit. On the Buy/Sell Shipment Quantities - Shipment screen, click the Edit icon in the Shipment Equipment section.

The top section of the window lists the ship unit line information that is currently associated with the shipment.  You can update information in any field that is active.

Editing an Existing Ship Unit Line

On the Buy/Sell Shipment Quantities - Shipment Line Item screen, click the Edit icon in the Shipment Unit Line section to edit a ship unit line. The fields on the new screen are described in the Adding a New Ship Unit Line section below.

Adding a New Ship Unit Line

If you are adding a new ship unit line, all of the fields in the top section will be blank. Supply as much information as possible.

  1. Click New Ship Unit Line to add a new ship unit line
  2. Select a ship unit ID from the Ship Unit ID drop-down list.
  3. Enter a Packaged Item ID. This field identifies the packaged item being shipped.
  4. Enter an Item.
  5. Enter the Total Packaged Count, which is the number of packaged items.
  6. Enter the Hazmat Item ID. It is the line item ID. For hazardous material, the line item ID is compared to rules for carrying hazardous material that affect whether you can print a bill of lading. Set up the rules for carrying hazardous material in the Hazardous Material Manager.
  7. The Order Base ID field identifies the order base from which the order release identified in the next field was created. This helps you trace the shipment line items back to their original order release and parent order base. This field automatically populates based on the order release that was used to build the shipment, if Oracle Transportation Management planned the shipment (not a Shipment As Work).
  8. The Order Release ID field identifies the order release on which the line item was originally recorded if the shipment was planned from an order. If you add additional line items on a shipment after it has been planned you should assign an existing order release so you can recalculate shipment costs. This field automatically populates with the order release ID that was used to create the shipment, if Oracle Transportation Management planned the shipment (not a Shipment As Work)
  9. Select a Packaging Unit to define how the item is packaged. For example, a case of soda.
  10. Enter a Packaging Unit Count to correspond to the packaging unit and defines the number of packaging units. For example, if your packaging unit is Case, the count represents the number of cases.
  11. Enter a Net Weight and Net Volume. The Net Weight/Volume fields display the weight/volume of a product without any handling units or packaging. For some shippers this would include the weight/volume of the carton. However, the net weight/volume may define the quantity of usable product. In all cases, it does not include the weight/volume of the ship unit such as a pallet.
  12. The Order Release Line ID field identifies the line item that was originally recorded on the order release and used to produce this shipment.
  13. Rated Commodity ID and Rated Commodity Name are read-only fields and provide the user-defined commodity associated with the shipment.
  14. The group of Received fields can be used to record the appropriate Received values for the ship unit in terms of gross/net weight and volume, as well as count. You can enter these values here or you can set up an agent that can copy these values from Shipment Tracking Events that are recorded for the shipment.

    Note: These values are not used in shipment planning or rating and only used for visibility purposes.

  15. The Declared Value field is for information only and describes the value of the item in terms of a specific currency.
  16. The Weight/Volume/Count per Ship Unit fields allow you to record the weight/volume/count that a packaged item uses per ship unit since the Total Net Weight and Volume show values for all packaged items.
  17. The Tag fields can be used to enter any additional numeric (1-9) attributes that you want to further describe the line item. These fields are for information only and can represent data such as the serial number of the item.

Reference Numbers

You can add reference numbers to your shipment quantities. Click Save in this section if you make any changes or additions.


You can add remarks to your shipment quantities. Click Save in this section if you make any changes or additions.

When you have finished adding information to this screen, click Save at the bottom of the screen.

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