Shipment Management

Buy/Sell Shipment Quantities - Order Release

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy or Sell Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Utilities > Edit Quantities. On the Buy/Sell Shipment Quantities screen, select Edit By Shipped Order Release Amount and either Edit By Ship Units or Edit By Line Items and then click Submit.


The top section of this window contains read-only information about the shipped order release amount.

Shipment Equipment

This section displays information about equipment that is already assigned to the shipped order release. If you wish to modify this information, click the Edit icon beside any shipment equipment line. A new screen opens. Its content depends on your selections in the Shipment Quantities - Edit Selection screen. Those screens are as follows:

Add Equipment

To add more equipment to the shipped order release, enter a value in the Equipment ID field and then click Save.

Note: You will only be able to add new equipment in the Buy  Shipment Quantities - Edit Order Release screen if you have selected None in the Propagation window (see step 2 in Shipment Quantities - Edit Selection). If you selected any other propagation value, the Add Equipment section will not appear.

When you are finished viewing/editing, click Finished.

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