Shipment Management

Buy/Sell Shipment Quantities - Shipment Ship Unit

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy or Sell Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Utilities > Edit Quantities. On the Shipment Quantities - Edit Selection screen, select Edit By Shipment and click Submit. On the Buy/Sell Shipment Quantities - Edit Shipment screen, click the Edit icon beside any shipment equipment line.

The top section of this window contains read-only information about the present shipment.

Reference Numbers

You can add reference numbers to your shipment quantities. Be sure to click Save in this section if you make any changes or additions.


You can add remarks to your shipment quantities. Be sure to click Save in this section if you make any changes or additions.

Shipment Equipment

Use the fields in the Shipment Equipment section to update the existing shipment equipment information.

Note: See Shipment Quantities - Edit Shipment if you wish to add shipment equipment.

Equipment Seals

Use this section to record one or more actual equipment seal numbers.

Ship Unit

Use the fields in this section to edit, delete, and create a new Ship Unit record.

Note: If you wish to provide even greater detail, click the Edit icon beside the Ship Unit to open the Shipment Quantities Ship Unit Detail screen.

Updating Ship Units

  1. For each ship unit, click the Expand icon to display details for the ship unit.
  2. Select a handling unit from the Transport Handling Unit drop-down list.
  3. Enter a value in the Ship Unit Count field.
  4. Enter the Total Package Count associated with the packaged item.
  5. Enter the Weight, Volume, Length, Width, and Height for the ship unit.

    Note: The values you enter represent the actual values for the items loaded onto the shipment. Changing the total package count, weight, or volume for packaged items does not adjust the total quantity/weight/volume for the shipment, since these values are calculated based on ship unit data.

  6. Click Save. The changes are recorded to the shipment for which you are recording quantities.

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