Shipment Management

Shipment Manager: Mode

This page is accessed via:

  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments. Click the Mode tab.
  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Sell Shipments. Click the Mode tab.

The Mode tab on the Shipment Manager page defines information related to the transportation mode use for the shipment and defines continuous move information.

Note: The agent actions,  'Change Voyage' and 'Shipment Conditional Booking - Rerate and Redrive', can change the voyage even if this check box is selected.

  1. Use the Voyage ID to associate public or private vessel schedules with the shipment. If you are using the Vessel Shipment Manager, additional voyage details appear. This information is defined in the Voyage Manager.
  2. Select the Voyage Fixed check box to lock in the voyage (make it permanent). Planning actions may potentially change the voyage during service time redrive, unless the Voyage Fixed check box on the shipment is True. This will prevent it from being accidentally overridden. Note that the Change Schedule action will always set the Voyage Fixed check box to true. This check box is only enabled for voyages. For other shipments such as TL and LTL, it is not enabled.
  3. Use the Vessel ID field to specify the vessel associated with the shipment.
  4. The Air/Rail Route Code represents a user-defined course of air or rail travel. For example, Air Route Code 2 may be assigned for planes to fly from PHL to ATL and then Las Vegas using a particular flight pattern. You can define Air Route Codes in Power Data.
  5. When the Air/Rail Route Code Fixed check box is selected, the system ensures that Recalculate Shipment Cost action or Rerate and Redrive action does not change the Shipment Cost, Rate Record and Rate Offering values to the values which may not be compatible with the Route-Code mentioned in the shipment after the Create Multi-Block Shipment Action is preformed.
  6. For the Rerate and Redrive action, the Air/Rail Route Code Fixed check box takes precedence over the Rate Record Fixed and Rate Offering Fixed check boxes. So even if the Rate Record Fixed and Rate Offering Fixed check box is selected, Rate Record value and Rate Offering value would be updated as per the Air/Rail Route Code value.

  7. The Ground Schedule ID is populated when Oracle Transportation Management uses a ground schedule to build a shipment.
  8. For rail shipments, Weigh Code define how the weight is determined. The following are valid weigh code values:





    Shipper's Weight Agreement

    A bureau has inspected the manufacturer and certifies the weight of each piece of equipment.


    Shipper's scale

    The service provider weighed the car on a certified track scale. The railroad or an independent company performs certification to assure that the scale is accurate.



    Also called out-turn weights. The customer weighs the car on receipt. Typically, this is used for unit train weights when the customer uses the belt scale to measure the total weight unloaded from a train.


    Carrier to weigh

    Informs the carrier to route the car to a track scale.


    No weight required

    Weight is needed to meet safety requirements only.


    Note Information in this section only applies to shipments that are part of a continuous move tour. A continuous move is created manually in Shipment Manager.

  9. Enter a rail reservation number in the Reservation Number field, if needed.
  10. The Continuous Move Tour Name displays to identify a particular tour. You can use this information to locate other shipments associated with the same tour.
  11. Shipments in a continuous move occur in a specific sequence. The Continuous Sequence Number identifies the position within a continuous move tour taken by the current shipment. For example, if 1 displays here, you are looking at the first shipment in a tour.
  12. If a cost is applied to the shipment for the empty leg of a continuous move, a value for the cost displays in the Continuous Move Cost field. Oracle Transportation Management adds this value to the cost of the shipment for billing and invoices.
  13. The Continuous Move Empty Distance displays the distance from the destination location for the current shipment, to the pickup location for the next shipment in the tour.
  14. If you are entering a shipment that is part of a continuous move but have not entered the other shipments that are part of the continuous move, enter values in the want Prev Dest Location ID and/or the Next Src (source) Location ID fields. Oracle Transportation Management can include the location you enter when calculating the shipment's cost and any continuous move discount that may apply based on the rate offering.
  15. The Src Arbitrary and Dest Arbitrary Level of Service fields constrain the shipment actions 'Recalculate Shipment Cost' and 'Rerate and Redrive'. When populated, they need to be honored in finding the new cost for the shipment when running these actions. When these fields are not populated, the rate service of the shipment stops is used to constrain the actions. The rate service for the new cost needs to match the original rate service from the shipment stops.

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