Operational Planning

Ground Schedule

This page is accessed via Operational Planning > Schedule Management > Ground Schedule.

This page enables you to create the following schedule types:

  • Static Trips: Used for creating empty shipments for a predetermined route and then moving order releases on to those shipments. It involves setting up a trip template and specifying all the trip stop times for the template.
  • Dynamic Trips: Similar to Static Trips, except it involves setting up a trip template and specifying the trip stop times through a combination of drive time plus stop time at your locations.
  • Detachable Trips: Similar to both static and dynamic trips during the planning stage. It behaves like a regular shipment after it has been released. Before a DETACHABLE TRIP shipment is released, all its behaviors in planning are the same with STATIC and DYNAMIC trip shipments in terms of re-drive and other planning actions.
  1. Note: When using Static and Dynamic Trips, the route specified in the schedule is assumed to be the best solution for the scenario so the planning logic does not have to find a better solution.

To create a ground schedule with a schedule type of Ground Service, go to Ground Service.

Although Static and Dynamic trips are creating empty shipments, they are shipments that will potentially have orders released to them. Because of this, many of the Shipment actions that you can use against other shipments, cannot be used. These include:

  • Merge Shipments
  • Resequence Stops
  • Change Service Provider
  • Change Equipment Group
  • Change Stop Times
  • Split Shipment

Note: Static and Dynamic Trips cannot be deleted if they have a status of SECURE_RESOURCES_ACCEPTED.

The parameter CHOOSE EARLIEST FEASIBLE GROUND SCHEDULE provides flexibility to plan order releases into earliest or latest ground schedule shipments.

Driver Assignments

Ground schedule shipments are created empty and then orders are assigned to the shipment. Once a shipment is released, it becomes an actual shipment and a driver can be assigned. To release the shipment, go to the Buy Shipment action Release Schedule Instance. After running the action, the reservation status changes from Open to Closed. Then a driver can be assigned to the shipment.

Note: Equipment Type/Equipment assignments to static/dynamic shipments are not supported.

Note: If the Driver ID field is null, the drivers assigned to the Driver Profile ID will comprise the set of drivers who can be assigned when a release is scheduled from this template.

Creating a Ground Schedule

  1. Enter a Ground Schedule ID.  When left blank this ID is generated by the Business Number Generator (BNG).
  2. Select the Schedule Type of Detachable, Dynamic or Static.
  3. Use the Trips per Day fields to indicate the number of trips made each day. All values entered must be greater than zero.
  4. If you selected Detachable Trip as your schedule type, two additional fields will be displayed: Driver ID and Driver Profile ID. If the Driver ID field is null, the drivers assigned to the Driver Profile ID will comprise the set of drivers who can be assigned when a release is scheduled from this template.
  5. The Service Provider field identifies the service provider that provides transportation for this schedule. Oracle Transportation Management uses your entry to match ground schedules with appropriate rates.

For Detachable trips, you can select multiple carriers through Service Provider Profile ID to specify a list of service providers that can be used for the ground schedule. When you run the action, Release Schedule Instance, the least cost service provider is assigned to the shipment.

When you run an action, such as Change Service Provider, you can select a service provider from the list of service providers on the profile. The system does not allow you to specify both Service Provider and Service Provider Profile ID

  1. Note: Service Provider Profile ID is not applicable for Static and Dynamic trips. 

  2. Enter a Calendar ID. This allows you to select a calendar that restricts date so as to not generate shipments, such as holidays. The calendar selected should have the activity type of "Ground Schedule Generation".
  3. Identify an Equipment Group to limit what equipment the planning logic should use.
  4. Selecting Ignore Equipment Capacity will allow the planning logic to ignore capacity constraints against equipment. This field will not be visible if you have selected a schedule type of Detachable Trip; it's value will always default to False.
  5. This field is only visible if you have selected a schedule type of Detachable Trip. Selecting the Fixed Equipment Group check box will prevent the equipment group from being reassigned when the Release Schedule Instance action is run. When not checked, the equipment group will be reassigned if a better equipment option is available. Formerly this functionality was achieved through running the Assign Best Equipment Group agent action. This check box is only applicable when using a detachable schedule instance.
  6. The Effective Date controls when this schedule is active and the Expiration Date acts as an expiration date for the schedule.
  7. Use the Start Time Adjustment fields to define the start time of the trip. The adjustment is relative to midnight for each day the trip applies to. For example, to start the trip at 8:00 a.m., enter 0D 8H 0M.

    Note: Start Time Adjustment is only applicable to Dynamic Trips.

  8. The Schedule Number and Schedule Note fields can be used to provide additional information about a schedule.


Use the Stops section of the page to identify pickup and delivery stops for your schedule. You will not be able to insert or delete repetition schedule stops if shipments are already generated against this schedule. Nor will you be able to change a repetition schedule stop's location ID and stop number if shipments are already generated against the schedule.


Use this section to add as many remarks as you require.
  1. Select a remark qualifier from the Remark Qualifier ID drop-down list.
  2. Enter your remarks to the Remark Text field.
  3. Click Save.

Reference Numbers

Use this section of the page to assign reference numbers to the ground schedule.

Note: You can enter multiple values for a reference number qualifier for a given schedule.

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