Operational Planning

Ground Schedule Results

This page displays after running the Generate Shipments action or it can be accessed via Operational Planning > Schedule Management > Ground Schedule Results. This page displays the results of running the Generate Shipment action. Additionally, it provides traceability back to the shipments.

Viewing Ground Schedule Results

The following fields display. Depending on how you generated shipments, not all fields are populated.

The Process Start Time and Process End Time fields show the start and end time of the generation process.

Ground Schedules with Shipments shows the number of ground schedules that have shipments.

The Shipments Expected field shows the number of shipments that are expected to be generated. The calculation of the initial Shipments Expected number takes into account the ground schedule, day of week active and any calendars active on a ground schedule. Oracle Transportation Management then tracks Shipments Built as the generating shipments process runs so you are aware of any processing errors or system errors that may occur if the number of Shipments Built does not match the number of Shipments Expected.

The Cutoff Date Used check box indicates if the cutoff date is used. If not, the Start Time is used.

The Generation Start Date and Generation End Date display the date range that shipments should be generated within.

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