Shipment Management

Shipment Manager: Stops

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments or Sell Shipments. Click the Stops tab.

Shipment stops are the pickup and delivery points for a shipment. Ship units and lines represent the freight and packaging carried on a shipment from one stop to another. If stops are already entered on the shipment, a summary of each displays in the grid on this page.

There will be only one shipment special service for each stop per activity.

Note: If you used Operational Locations to plan your shipment, they will appear as the stop locations. To see the main location, you must use the View Shipment page. It is listed as the parent location.

  1. The Stop Number indicates the sequence of the stops that are determined during shipment planning. You can adjust the Stop Sequence using the Resequence Stops action in Shipment Manager. Stop numbers typically start with 1; however, if you are using depot locations, the first stop could begin with 0.
  2. The Activity column determines whether the stop is a Pickup (P), Delivery (D), Interim Point (O) or Depot stop (Activity is blank). Pickup stops are always those defined by a Source Location and delivery stops are those defined by the Destination Location from an order. Itinerary settings can also contribute to the definition of pickups and deliveries. If a stop does more than one activity, they are all identified. For example, if a stop is both a pickup and a delivery, both display in the column (PD).

    Interim Points represent stops with no activity and are defined on the itinerary that was used to create this shipment and stop sequence. An interim point occurs in the middle of a trip and represents locations such as border crossings.

    A Depot stop occurs at the beginning and/or end of a trip and represents the location from which the carrier is sourced. You can define depot source and destination locations by lane and have them considered in shipment planning based on the appropriate itinerary configuration.
  3. The Stop Type column determines whether the stop is a Pickup (P), Delivery (D), Other (O), Non-Freight Related (NFR), or Transload (T). PD is both a pick up and delivery location.
  4. The Arrival and Departure dates/times are calculated during shipment planning base on the time window of the order, schedules, wait times, and so on.
  5. Pickup/Delivery Appointment dates/times represent the appointment date/time that a service provider arranges for pickup and delivery as opposed to the Oracle Transportation Management-planned pickup and delivery dates/times. Appointments can be entered manually on a shipment (by editing a shipment stop), applied via XML integration or supplied through shipment tracking events provided by the service provider.

    When you schedule an appointment and if the property, glog.appointment.shipmentstop.updateAppointmentTime, is set to true, Pickup/Delivery Appointment time is displayed as follows: 
    • If the Stop Type is Pickup, OTM populates the Pickup Appointment time with the Appointment Start Time.
    • If the Stop Type is Delivery, OTM populates the Delivery Appointment time with the Appointment Start Time. 
    • When the appointment start time is before the arrival time, and if you set the property, glog.appointment.shipmentstop.compareWithArrivalTime, to true, OTM populates Pickup/Delivery Appointment time with the Estimated Arrival time.
  6. The Appointment Window Start/End fields allow you to specify appointment window times not just stop times. These fields can be used for passing information from a third party system. They do not pertain to dock scheduling.
  7. The Distance from the Previous Stop is also calculated based on the rate distance that is defined on rate offering that was used in planning/rating the shipment.
  8. The Ship Units field displays the total number of ship units on the stop.

    Note: For all shipments regardless of transportation mode, you must have at least one pickup and one delivery stop. A shipment can also have multiple pickup and delivery stops unless it is a Less than Truckload shipment which can only have one pickup and delivery stop.

Load/Unload Points

Click Load/Unload Points to view the points that were specified on the order. The top of the page that appears displays summary information about the stop followed by each load/unload point for this location as well as the activity that will take place at each point. For example, a location can have multiple load/unload points for a pickup and delivery at one stop.

Location Override

For any stop displayed, click Set Location Override to change specific location content for the location.

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