Shipment Management

Shipment Manager: Equipment

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments or Sell Shipments. Click the Equipment tab.

Define the equipment on a shipment when you want to associate that equipment with ship units. Equipment information may be defined as specifically as you need. For example, you can enter the equipment group or equipment type as well as weight and scale data related to the equipment. You can enter seals values and define attributes describing the equipment. Shipments can include one or more pieces of equipment. On the Ship Unit Detail page, associate the equipment defined here with specific ship units.

Equipment Group Profile

  1. Select the Disallow Capacity Over Limit check box to indicate that you want Oracle Transportation Management to check the capacity limits for the shipment to determine whether equipment is available for the shipment.
  2. Because unit train rates are dependant on the number of cars in a train, record the number of cars in the Total Pieces of Equipment Ordered field.
  3. Use the Equipment Fixed check box to prevent changes to the shipment equipment initial and number that may happen as a result of a service provider's tender acceptance. If you select the check box, all subsequent attempts to update Equipment Initial and Number will fail. If you clear the check box, entries to the Equipment Initial and Number will override any previous entries. Tender withdrawals result in the equipment initial and numbers being removed from the equipment record.

Note: Oracle Transportation Management does not re-instantiate an initial and number from previously overwritten values if a tender withdrawal removes the latest value. The fields will be left blank.

Shipment Equipment

  1. If equipment is already assigned to the shipment, a Shipment Equipment value displays. Use the shipment equipment value to match the equipment with specific ship units on the Ship Unit Detail page.
  2. If capacity usage is activated, a Capacity Usage ID displays. Capacity usage defines the availability of equipment provided by a particular service provider. You can use this information in the Capacity Manager to view the capacity limit associated with the service provider on the current shipment.
  3. If the shipment is a unit train shipment, use the Equipment Index field to indicate which car is to transport the shipment. For example, if the shipment will be in car 14 of the unit train, enter 14 in the Equipment Index field.

    Note: Shipment equipment is sorted by equipment index and sub-sorted by Pickup Stop Number.

  4. Equipment Group ID, Equipment Type ID, Equipment Initial, and/or Equipment Number display if the shipment includes this information.
  5. The Freight check box signifies that the associated equipment is the equipment picking up the order/ship units at the pickup location and dropping it at the drop off location. There can be other empty equipment on the shipment as well. For example, when a driver has an empty trailer from a previous shipment and is going to leave the empty at the pickup location then take the loaded equipment out. Both pieces of equipment are on the shipment and the Freight specifies which one is loaded.
  6. Expand any shipment equipment to see the Equipment Reference Unit ID and Total Number of Reference Units for the equipment.
  7. Click Edit Equipment to edit the details.

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