Shipment Management


This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Equipment Management > Equipment.

Equipment represents any mode or method of storage or transport used for the movement of a shipment from one location to another. Accurate equipment information is critical to the shipment planning process, and equipment IDs are used to create equipment types that are used in capacity management.

Adding Equipment

  1. Enter the Equipment ID, which is the identifier for the equipment.
  2. You can also enter the Equipment Name, which is often the same as the equipment ID (for example, truck, vessel).
  3. Select a Domain Name for the equipment.
  4. Enter the Equipment Type ID to associate the piece of equipment with this type. For example, a piece of equipment such as an intermodal trailer could be associated with a type such as rollup or swing door.
  5. Enter the Equipment Initial. This is a prefix or alphanumeric combination associated with the carrier SCAC code for the equipment (EDI element 206).
  6. The Equipment Number is a sequential number that must be entered to associate the number with the equipment initial (EDI element 207).
  7. The Equipment Initial/Number field is a concatenation of equipment initial and equipment number. The initial is a mark that is registered with national or international authorities that is associated with a specific owner.
  8. Enter the Tare Weight and UOM of the equipment.
  9. Enter the Equipment Type Code. The American Association of Railroads has a classification code system based on physical characteristics of the rail car, such as weight capacity, length, and structure. You can setup mapping between UMLER and OTM with the AAR Car Type - Equipment Join page.
    • If the Equipment Type ID field is populated, that will be used.
    • If this field is not null, but Equipment Type ID is null, OTM will look at the power data page.
    • If this field and Equipment Type ID are both null, an error is thrown.
  1. The Mechanical Designation field, like the AAR Car Type field, is used for rail equipment.
  2. Enter the Ownership Code (EDI element 102). This is the alpha-numeric code designating the status of the equipment (for example, leased or owned).
  3. The Owner Name is the alpha-numeric code that must be entered to associate the name of the equipment owner with the ownership code (EDI element 140). This is the Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC).
  4. Select the Owner Type from the drop-down list.
  5. Enter the Lessee. The lessee is the organization that has leased the equipment.
  6. You can enter the Max Gross Weight, which is the maximum permissible weight of the equipment and the load. For information only.
  7. The Floor Height is the actual height of the platform or floor above the ground or the rail. For information only.
  8. The Empty Center of Gravity Height field indicates the height from Top of Rail to the Center of Gravity when the equipment is empty. For information only.
  9. The Loaded or Empty field indicates whether the equipment is loaded or empty. If there is no information known about the equipment status, then it has the value Unknown (default). 
  10. The Dry Capacity indicates the maximum interior cubic feet capacity and Liquid Capacity is the number of gallons the equipment will hold. These are information only.
  11. You can enter information associated with this piece of equipment at the Tag 1, Tag 2, Tag 3, or Tag 4 fields that Oracle Transportation Management does not normally include with order release or shipment information.
  12. Enter the Date Built.
  13. Enter the Purchase Date.
  14. Enter the Registered Mileage Charge and the Registered Mileage Charge Unit.
  15. Enter the Registration Number and the Registration Date.
  16. Enter the License Plate and the License State.
  17. If the equipment is a container, select the Container check box.
  18. Enter the Current Chassis Initial.
  19. Enter the Current Chassis Number.
  20. The Assigned Product field is for information only.
  21. The Car Destination Location ID and Car Destination ETA Date. These are information only.
  22. Enter the Last Out-Gate Location ID. This is the location where the equipment (chassis/container or trailer) was last out-gated; when the container last left the rail or water terminal.
  23. Enter the Last Out-Gate Time; the out-gate time stamp at the outbound ramp.
  24. Enter the Last In-Gate Time; the in-gate time stamp at the inbound ramp, when the container is received by a rail terminal or water port from another carrier.
  25. Enter the Sighting Location ID.
  26. Enter the Previous Sighting Location ID.
  27. Enter the Interchange Receive Location ID.
  28. Enter a Park Location ID to identify where the equipment is parked.
  29. Enter the Sighting Date.
  30. Enter the Previous Sighting Date.
  31. Enter the Interchange Receive Date.
  32. Enter the Sighting Event Status Code.
  33. Enter the Previous Sighting Event Status Code.
  34. Enter the division name for part of the organization that is responsible for the asset and the business in the Division Name field.
  35. Enter the customer assignment in the Customer Fleet field. It will identify product, location, customer, or any combination.
  36. Enter the reporting and the previous transportation companies in the Reporting SCAC and Previous Reporting SCAC fields, respectively.
  37. Enter the release date of the car in the Release Date field. It will be used to calculate the in-transit time.
  38. Enter the arrival date of the car in the Arrival Date field. It will be used to calculate the dwell time.
  39. Enter the source and destination of the order in the fields Order Source and Order Destination, respectively.
  40. Enter the name of the consignee in the Order Customer Name field.

Special Services

  1. If the special service is part of a group, enter the group name in the Special Service Group ID field.
  2. If any special services are associated with the equipment, enter its name in the Special Service ID field.
  3. If the special service only applies during a certain period, define that period using the Effective Date and the Expiration Date fields.
  4. Click Save.

Reference Numbers

Use this section to record reference numbers that apply to this equipment. You can add as many reference numbers as you require.

Adding a Reference Number

  1. Select a reference number qualifier from the Reference Number Qualifier ID drop-down list
  2. Enter the reference number in the Reference Number field.
  3. Click Save.

Text Templates

Use this section to specify templates that will be used with this equipment.

Adding a Text Template

  1. Enter an ID in the Text Template ID field.
  2. Enter a type in the Document Type field.
  3. Enter any related text in the Text field.
  4. Click Save to record the information or click Override All if you want your information to overwrite the template information already in the system.


Use this section to record remarks associated with the equipment.

Adding a Remark

  1. Select a remark qualifier from the Remark Qualifier ID drop-down list.
  2. Enter your remarks to the Remark Text field.
  3. Click Save.
  1. Click Finished to save the equipment.

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