Shipment Management

Equipment - Equipment Type Mapping

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Power Data > General > Equipment - Equipment Type Mapping.

This page allows you to map railroad oriented equipment type details such as AAR car type, equipment initial and equipment number range to an OTM equipment type. The mapping is enabled by a database trigger based on the population of the AAR Car Type field on creation/modification of an equipment record through the equipment manager. This allows loading of UMLER (Universal Machine Language Equipment Register) data.

If on the Equipment Manager page, the Equipment Type ID field is blank, but the AAR Car Type field is not, OTM will look at this page.

The objective is to find the most specific match using Equipment Type (or AAR Car Type), Equipment Initial and Equipment Number values. The most specific match will take precedence over a less specific match. OTM will look for the Equipment Type ID by checking the AAR Car Type on the Equipment record against the AAR Car Type in power data; the Equipment Initial in both the Equipment record and power data, and also if the Equipment Number on the Equipment record lies between the Equipment Number Low and Equipment Number High values on power data.

  1. In the AAR Car Type field, enter the car type. (The AAR Car Type is also known as Equipment Type Code). This can be general or specific. For example, you may just enter "C" for Generic Covered Hopper, "C1" for Generic Covered Hopper - Gravity or "C113" for Generic Covered Hopper - Medium Gravity. If the last digit is an "X" it will indicate that it is a private car. Enter as much of the detail as you need for the rule. If you have covered hoppers and you only care about the C113 and C114 hoppers yet you still might get one that is different and you would still want a fall-back mapping of "C" for generic covered hopper. Your C114 cars will be a hit for the rule with the string "C" as well as the rule for the string "C114", but not for the rule for a string "C113".
  2. Enter the Equipment Owner Type; either carrier-owner or private.
  3. Enter the Equipment Initial.
  4. Enter the Equipment Number - Low and Equipment Number - High. This is a low and high number defined range within which the equipment number falls, that further defines the OTM equipment type.
  5. Enter the Equipment Type ID.
  6. Select a Domain Name.
  7. Click Finished.

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