Configuration and Administration

glog.appointment Properties

To control the behavior of Oracle Transportation Management, you can change settings in the file or the appropriate property set.


New in Version



Controls the automatic pop-up of the Adjust Appointment Time window when dragging and dropping in the dock scheduler.

Default: False



In Dock Scheduling, existing appointments are loaded into a cache when the corresponding location resource and times are referenced for the first time in the scheduling process. The parameter is used to determine the time span of the appointment start times for each load.

Default: 48.

Note: This property is reserved for use by OTM development.


Use this property to determine the limit for rescheduling low priority appointments, which have been bumped.

Default: 2



In Dock Scheduling, location calendar information is loaded into a cache. The parameter is used to determine the length of a calendar loaded into the calendar cache each time.

Default: 168.

Note: This property is reserved for use by OTM development.


Controls whether to regenerate confirmation numbers if an appointment is rescheduled.

Default: N


Allows you to configure the text displayed in the individual resource slots on the dock scheduler. This property affects all dock schedule boards across users and locations. The following options are used in this property:

  1. Object GID/Shipment GID - represented by objectGid in the property
  2. Object XID/Shipment XID -  represented by objectXid in the property
  3. Appointment Priority GID - represented by appointmentPriority in the property
  4. Confirmation Number - represented by confirmationNumber in the property
  5. Object Refnum/Shipment Refnum with a specific reference qualifier. This reference number qualifier should have a unique value for a given object.
  6. Service Provider XID - represented by servProv in the property.
  7. Indicator - represented by indicator in the property.
  8. User Defined Image 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Represented by image1, image2, etc., in the property.
  9. Appointment Activity Type - represented by appointmentActivityType in the property. Displays the drop/live attribute of the location.

The only difference between an indicator/image option and a text option is that an indicator/image option is not followed by the “:” separator when it is displayed in the appointment cell.

You specify the property in the following format (case sensitive), using a colon to separate the sections:


The default property setting is:


When you drag and drop to schedule shipment appointments on the dock scheduler, after saving, the page displays text defined by this property.

This property affects the entire system. If the APPOINTMENT DISPLAY STRING parameter is set it will override the system property for the domain in which the parameter is defined.


5.5 CU5

If you set the property to servProv the service provider for the standing appointment is displayed as part of the label.

If you set the property to servLocation the service location for the standing appointment is displayed as part of the label.

Valid values: servProv, servLocation

Default: servProv:servLocation. The ":" separates the different settings and concatenates them.


Service providers can be restricted to schedule, reschedule, and adjust their appointment times based on a configurable rule. The appointment time window available to service providers is narrowed down by the following rule:

  • If the current time of day <= glog.appointment.servprovRule.cutOffHour (after 4 p.m., for example), then (current date + glog.appointment.servprovRule.numberOfDaysBeforeCutOffHour  <= new appointment <= stop estimated arrival date).
  • If the current time of day > glog.appointment.servprovRule.cutOffHour (after 4 p.m., for example), then (current date + glog.appointment.servprovRule.numberOfDaysAfterCutOffHour  <= new appointment <= stop estimated arrival date).

So using the default values, an example is:

  • The stop estimated arrival date is the 10th and today is 2:50 p.m. on the 1st. Since 2:50 is before 4:00 p.m., you can schedule an appointment at any point between the 2nd (today +1), and the 10th.
  • If, however, it is after 4:00 today, the range for valid appointment times is the 3rd (today +2) to the 10th.

To enable the use of this rule, set this property to TRUE.

Default: FALSE



When set to true and the location resource is marked hazardous allowed then both hazardous and non-hazardous shipments are feasible.

Default: false

When set to false and the location resource is marked hazardous allowed then only hazardous shipments are feasible.


5.5 CU5

When there are no matching combination preference record found for the shipment and a match only on the service provider preference and on service location preference are found, this property determines which preference should be considered over the other.


Use this property in Appointment Cache to calculate column offset to find earliest start time.

Default: 4


Use this property to determine the maximum number of iterations that are used to find the next available work period on the calendar.

Default: 10000



When set to true, the scheduling logic looks through all the days specified in the glog.appointment.searchDays property for appointment candidates. If an appointment is specified as a standing appointment, it will be booked, as long as it is one of the candidate appointments. When set to false, it will only choose the standing appointment if it is on the first day of the searching.

There is a performance impact when the property is set to true, since it searches through all the days (specified in glog.appointment.searchDays) to find a qualified standing appointment. While when the property is set to false, it only looks at one day a time and stops as soon as the number of appointments are found as specified in glog.appointment.scheduleAppointmentShowOptions.numberOfAppointments property.

Default: False.


When you are using the Dock Manager, this property controls how many days in the past the system will search when you click the Previous Unscheduled button.

Default: 100



If false (default) OTM will bypass gl_user change loading a newly created appointment from database. When set to true, OTM will change the gl_user to ADMIN user of the domain to grant broader privilege to the service provider user.

This property is only used when loading a newly created appointment from the database which happens when the Dock screen refreshes after an appointment is scheduled.


Controls how many appointments are displayed when you run the Schedule Appointment - Show Options action on the Appointment Manager. It also affects when you run the Schedule Appointment action for shipments or shipment groups and choose the Show Options button. This property can be overridden on a location by entering a value in the Appointment Show Number Of Options field.

Default: 10


For Dock Scheduling, this property allows the number of days to look forward for the first feasible appointment slot to be configurable. This property can be overridden on a location by entering a value in the Appointment Search Days field.

Default: 7


When this property is set to FALSE, service provider users are not able to schedule infeasible appointments.

Default: TRUE



When a service provider schedules an appointment for a shipment which is not tendered and accepted,  the system sets an error message for tender status.

When this property is set to true, the system avoids the validation step on tender status of a shipment.

Also, the property glog.appointment.servprov.ignoreShipmentAsWorkStatus avoids validation check on tender status for SAW (Shipment as Work) shipments.

However, the property glog.appointment.servprov.ignoreShipmentTenderStatus takes precedence in tender status validation over the property glog.appointment.servprov.ignoreShipmentAsWorkStatus.

Default: False



This allows service providers to have order-less booking via "Create Appointment" button on Dock Manager.

Default is "false".

When set to "true", the appointment scheduling process overlooks validation step on tender status of shipment as work.


This property is used in the formulas for glog.appointment.enforceServprovRule.

Default: 16


This property is used in the formulas for glog.appointment.enforceServprovRule.

Default: 2


This property is used in the formulas for glog.appointment.enforceServprovRule.

Default: 1



Use this property to update shipment appointment time (pickup/delivery) with estimated arrival time when the appointment start time is before the arrival time.

Default: false



When you are scheduling an appointment using the following actions such as Schedule Appointment, Adjust Appointment Time, Find Next Available Appointment, or Find Previously Available Appointment, then the Appointment Pickup Time and Appointment Delivery Time fields are automatically populated for the corresponding shipment stop on the Shipment Stops Appointment page.

Default: TRUE



This property enables you to move the Shipment Refnum column from last scrollable column to the first scrollable column of the Shipments Without Appointment table on the Manage Appointments page. When you set this property to true, the Shipment Refnum column is displayed as the first scrollable column. This property is used in conjunction with the glog.appointment.swa.shipmentRefnum property and the REFERENCE QUALIFIER FOR SHIPMENT W/O APPOINTMENTS parameter.

Default: FALSE.


5.5 CU5

This property specifies the number of days prior to the default display date that are displayed on the appointment manager.


5.5 CU5

This property specifies the number of days after the default display date that are displayed on the appointment manager.



Limits the number of shipments displayed on the appointment manager. The setting on the location resource will override the property setting.
It will take longer returning appointment options when a large number is specified.

Default: 50


Use this property to display correct appointment options when the location is in DST and incorrect appointment options are displayed.
Default: false
If this property is set to true, the application checks the timezone of the location and adjusts the time based on location if the time slot interval is two hours.
If we see the following invalid slots (invalid as per calendar configuration) of Europe/Paris timezone before and after DST:
28th October 2022 = 7-9, 9-11, 11-13, 13-15
31st October 2022 = 8-10, 10-12, 12-14, 14-16
Set the property to true to view the new slots:
28th October 2022 = 7-9, 9-11, 11-13, 13-15
31st October 2022 = 7-9, 9-11, 11-13, 13-15



Use this property to add minutes value from the Appointment View Start Time (minutes) field to the epoch value. This will be used for calculation of slots.

Default: true



Set this property to true, when you cannot see the first slot of the calendar during scheduling an appointment.

Default: false



Use this property to define a tolerance value for an appointment so that slots prior to the shipment start time and within the tolerance limit can be made available while accommodating the activity time and the arrival time.

This property can take values from 0 to 59 minutes. If you enter a value that is more than 59, then this logic will not be applied. Tolerance value should be less than or equal to the half of Slot Interval Time, i.e. 50% of the slot time interval.

This logic applies only when the shipment is arriving after the start of the appointment time window, and you want to view the missed time slot.

Example: If a shipment is arriving at 11:05 and the tolerance set is 15 minutes, then the slots are available from 11:00.

For orders with pickup/delivery date/time constraints, the slots opened within the tolerance limit will be infeasible.

There is no default value for this property.

Note: The Appointment Start Time Tolerance on a location takes precedence over the value of this property. the system only considers this property’s tolerance value when the location tolerance is null or 0. 



Slots become unavailable from the 'Schedule Appointment - Show Options' list after few days. Set this property to true if you see any slots are missing.

Default: false



If you want to restrict changes done in the property glog.appointment.showOptions.adjustTimeforTimezones to any time zones you want then you need to mention the time zones with comma separated values such as " IST, Asia/Kolkata, Atlantic/Bermuda".  If no time zones are specified, the change will be applicable to all time zones.

If the property glog.appointment.showOptions.adjustTimeforTimezones is set to false, then changing the values in  the property glog.appointment.showOptions.timezones has no impact.


When this property is set to true, it uses remainder to display appointment options correctly. For example, while calculating time, it may have remainder of 30 minutes, 1 hour, and so on. 
Default: true



When this property is set to true the appointment at cross dock locations will have feasible time range based on order date constraints (Early Pickup Date (EPD) and Late Delivery Date (LDD)). After LDD, time slots will be infeasible.
When this property is set to false, there is no behavior change and appointment options at cross dock locations will not be affected by order time windows.

Default: false



5.5 CU4

When set to TRUE, this property causes the appointment manager to recalculate the number of slots needed for the appointment.


Use this property to calculate the number of slots for appointment. When set to true, it will round up the number of slots.

Default: true



Specifies which reference qualifier is displayed in the Shipments Without Appointment table on the Manage Appointments page.

This property affects the entire system. If the REFERENCE QUALIFIER FOR SHIPMENT W/O APPOINTMENTS parameter is set it will override the system property for the domain in which the parameter is defined.



When set to true and the location resource is marked temperature control then both the shipments with temperature control and shipments with no temperature control specified are feasible.

Default: false

When set to false and the location resource is marked temperature control then only shipments with temperature control are feasible.



When this property is set to true, the system avoids updating the stop numbers for an existing appointment for that particular stop, while deleting or updating a shipment stop.

Default: true



When set to TRUE, this property causes the Max Wait Time Per Stop on a rate service to be added to the estimated arrival time when a shipment is built. When you schedule the shipment on a dock, this wait time will already be factored into the availability of the shipment.

Default: True



When this property is set to true, performance is improved for adding and displaying resources to the Dock Gantt. Existing cache is used for improving the performance.

Default: true

Set this property to false, if you want to have old behavior, where the system does not use cache for location resource.

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