Location Manager: Resource

This page is accessed via:

  • Shipment Management > Location Manager. This is on the Resource tab.
  • Operational Planning > Appointment Management > Dock and Yard Managers. This is on the Resource tab.

You can define a resource and resource type for the location. This page is used when setting up dock scheduling.

Defining a resource

  1. Enter a Slot Time Interval. Enter the smallest appointment slot interval for the resource. The number of slots allocated to a shipment is based on the activity time for the stop. The interval time determines how many slots should be allocated.
  2. Select the Use Appointment Priority check box if you want to use appointment priorities to determine which appointments are unfeasible and could get bumped to another date.
  3. Select the Re-Schedule Low Priority Appointments check box if you want to re-schedule lower priority shipment appointments that have been bumped due to a lack of feasible appointments.
  4. Select the Enforce Appointment Time Window check box to enforce the pick up or delivery time window during appointment scheduling. If the check box is selected, appointments scheduled outside of time window will be marked infeasible. Otherwise, the appointment are considered feasible.
  5. Select the Schedule Infeasible Appointments check box to indicate that you want to schedule an appointment if the appointment time available is out of the pick up or delivery time window.
  6. Limit the appointment information displayed on the dock manager by indicating the Length of Appointment View. The value you enter in this field must be a multiple of the value entered in the Slot Time Interval field. For example, if you enter 3 hours in the Slot Time Interval field, the Length of Appointment View field must be a 3, 6, 9, 12, etc. If you leave this field blank, the system will act as if it were set to 24 hours.
  7. Select an Appointment View Start Time and Appointment View Start Time (minutes) from the drop-down lists to indicate the time the appointment view in the dock manager should start.
  8. Select the business type that you want this location to support for dock management, in the Support Business Types drop-down. For example, if this location handles both shipments and shipment groups, select "Shipment and Shipment Group". If you select the "Shipment and Shipment Group" option, the Appointment Manager will show individual shipments that are not associated with shipment groups, in addition to shipment groups. It will not show shipments that are part of shipment groups.
  9. Enter the time, in hours, by which a standing appointment needs to be scheduled before it expires. For example, if there is a standing appoints for 6:00-7:00 and the Standing Appointment Cutoff Window (in Hours) is 2 hours, the standing appointment should be scheduled before 4:00 that day in order to maintain the reservation.
  10. Use the Appointment Search Days field to override the value of the glog.appointment.searchDays property for this location. Set this field to control the number of days to look forward for the first feasible appointment.
  11. Use the Appointment Show Number Of Options field to override the value of the glog.appointment.scheduleAppointmentShowOptions.numberOfAppointments property for this location. Set this field to control how many appointments are displayed when running the Schedule Appointment - Show Options action on the Appointment Management page.
  12. Specify if the trailer that is scheduled for the appointment is attached to the truck by selecting Live from the Appointment Activity Type field. If the trailer is being dropped off, select Drop.
  13. While booking appointments for shipment group, the system considers activity time when you select the Use Activity Time for Shipment Group Appointments check box. When determining the appointment time required for a shipment group, if this check box is selected, the system will calculate the activity time at that stop for all the shipments in that group. If the check box is not selected, the appointment time is one slot.
  14. Select an option from the Service Provider Appointment Cutoff Hours drop-down list. This will indicate the appointment cutoff time allowed for the service providers at the location and the location resource group level. See property glog.appointment.servprovRule.cutOffHour.
  15. Enter the number of days in the Service Provider Appointment Days Before Cutoff and the Service Provider Appointment Days After Cutoff fields. See properties glog.appointment.servprovRule.numberOfDaysAfterCutOffHour and glog.appointment.servprovRule.numberOfDaysBeforeCutOffHour. These values can be set at the location and the location resource group level, and they will take precedence over the properties.

    Note: Appointment Rule Sets take precedence either if values are provided in the fields Service Provider Appointment Cutoff Hours, Service Provider Appointment Days Before Cutoff and Service Provider Appointment Days After Cutoff, or if the following appointment rule properties are defined:

    Note: The cutoff times and duration on a location will only be honored for a service provider and not for a planner.

  16. Based on location, enter the tolerance value in the Appointment Start Time Tolerance (in minutes) for an appointment, so that the slots prior to the shipment start time and within the tolerance limit can be made available while accommodating the activity time and the arrival time.

    The tolerance value defined in Appointment Start Time Tolerance takes precedence over the value defined in the property glog.appointment.showOptions.applyToleranceLimit. 
  17. Click the New button to enter a new Resource Type.

Location Resource Group

You can view a list of location resource groups. This list contain location resource group details such as Location Resource Group ID, Location Resource Name, and Calendar ID which are associated with this location.


A yard represents a waiting space where trucks reside while they are waiting for a scheduled appointment at a docking location. You define a yard on the location by indicating how many parking rows are in the yard, and by how many parking slots are in each row. The numbers you enter here affect how big the Yard table is on the Yard Manager.

  1. Enter the Number of Rows in Yard.
  2. Enter the Number of Slots Per Row in Yard.
  3. Create your own labels for the yard rows by entering the Yard Row Label.
  4. Enter your Labels for Yard Slots.
  5. Click Finished.

Location Appointment Scheduling Preference

Click the New button to add a new location appointment scheduling preference.

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