Communication and Remarks

This tab is on the following managers:

  • Location accessed via: Shipment Management > Location Manager
  • Buyer accessed via Brokerage and Forwarding > Customer Management > Buyer
  • Shipping Agent accessed via Brokerage and Forwarding > Shipping Agent Management > Shipping Agent Manager
  • Customer accessed via Brokerage and Forwarding > Customer Management > Customer
  • Service Provider accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Service Provider Manager

From any of the above managers, click the Communication and Remarks tab.

A location, buyer, customer, shipping agent or service provider can have preferred addressing information as well as a list of individual contacts (or people). When adding involved parties on other business objects, you can select a contact or a location. If you choose location as an involved party, notifications are sent using this preferred addressing.

Primary Contact and Preferences

This section defines the primary contact information for the corresponding object and holds the preferred communication method, addressing and localization information (or preferences) needed to route notifications directly to the object. This information is similar to that found on a contact.

Note: Each service provider must have a primary contact for web tendering to work properly.

Each location may link to a primary contact record which holds the preferred addressing for that location. Individual contacts or people associated with a location are defined in the section below.

Primary contacts are only added as needed. When you save one of these objects, Oracle Transportation Management checks whether the location's preferred communication method is blank. If not, it creates or modifies a primary contact record, as necessary, to save the preferred addressing information. Primary contacts automatically created are given a Contact ID equal to the Location ID. Click the details button to review or edit the primary contact.

Contacts and/or locations can be assigned as involved parties to business objects.

Deleting a Primary Contact:

To delete an existing primary contact, clear the email, fax, phone, external system, user ID, and preferences fields and click Finished.

CSV Loaded Locations:

CSV uploads can specify more than one primary contact per location. The system arbitrarily chooses one based on Oracle natural ordering.

Service Provider Insurance Policy

The insurance information section only appears on the Shipping Agent Manager and the Service Provider Manager.

You can define a new policy by clicking the New Policy button on the Shipping Agent or by adding the information in the grid on the Service Provider.

Contact Preferences

  1. Select a Preference from the drop-down list.
  2. Enter a Value for the preference.
  3. Click Save for each preference and value you define.

Sourcing Contact

This section appears only on the Service Provider Manager.

Use the Contact field to designate a contact that will be used by Oracle Transportation Sourcing for the solicitation and awarding of bids.

Contact Groups cannot be used as a Sourcing Contact.

Additional Contacts

You can configure the system so that it notifies one or more persons when or if an event occurs. In fact, you can set up layers of notification so that several people are notified for shipments and web tendering. You can notify those people using various modes of communication. A location, buyer, customer, shipping agent or service provider can have multiple contacts.

Note: Each contact can only be used once between all of the above objects.

Assign contacts to objects by entering it, and clicking Save. Once a contact is assigned, that contact is listed on this page.

If you are working within a service provider, you can set up a specific contact to handle individual client tenders based on the client's Shipper Corporation. One contact can be associated with many client corporations. If you assign more than one contact associated to the client corporation, the system chooses the first contact it finds for tendering purposes. To have a service provider contact act as the contact for a specific client, associate the contact with a Shipper Corporation in the Contact Manager.

For example, a service provider can have one contact handle all tender requests from CLIENT X while another person at the service provider handles all tender requests from CLIENT Y. In this case, any other client tenders would be sent to the primary contact of the service provider.

Note: You cannot assign primary location and buyer contacts in this grid.


The Remarks page provides a place for you to log any extraneous information you may want to keep with the object.

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