Contract and Rate Management

How to Send Notifications to Multiple Contacts on a Service Provider

You can configure Oracle Transportation Management to notify one or more persons when or if an event occurs. In fact, you can set up layers of notification so that several people are notified when shipments are tendered or shipment tenders are withdrawn. You can notify those people using various modes of communication.

Sending multiple notifications is possible by creating a contact group containing the additional contacts specified on the service provider and then creating a user-defined automation agent to send the notifications.

Once the set up detailed here is complete when a shipment is tendered to or a shipment tender is withdrawn on a shipment where the service provider has additional contact, all of the additional contacts specified on the service provided are notified.

Additional Contacts on a Service Provider

In order to create a contact group, you must first ensure all of the contacts are listed on the Communications and Remarks tab of the Service Provider manager as additional contacts.

Adding Additional Contacts to a Service Provider:

  1. Go to Contract and Rate Management > Service Provider Manager.
  2. Search for and edit the Service Provider that you are setting up for additional notifications.
  3. Click the Communications and Remarks tab.
  4. Enter all additional contacts that you want to notify.
    1. In the Additional Contacts section, click n (new) next to the Contact field.
    2. Create a new contact.

Note: Contacts listed on the Communications and Remarks tab will have the same location ID as the primary service provider contact, but will not have the IS_PRIMARY option on the contact selected (or set to Yes).

Contact Group

Now, you are ready to create a contact group.

Creating a Contact Group:

  1. Go to Business Process Automation > Communication Management > Contact Groups.
  2. Enter a Contact ID.
  3. In the Group Contact ID field, add the additional contacts that you want to be notified.
    1. Enter a contact ID into the Group Contact ID field.
    2. Click Save to add the contact to the Group Contact ID grid.
    3. Repeat for each additional contact that you want to be notified.
  4. Click Finished to save the contact group.

Automation Agent to Send Notifications

Finally, you create the automation agent to send the notifications.

Creating the Automation Agent:

  1. Go to Business Process Automation > Agents and Milestones > Automation Agent.
  2. Select an Agent Type of SHIPMENT.
  3. Select the Active check box.
  4. Enter an Agent Event of SHIPMENT TENDER - TENDERED.
  5. Click Save to the far right of the grid.

    Note: You can use the same automation agent to notify the additional contacts about tender withdraws. To do this, add the SHIPMENT TENDER - WITHDRAWN event to the list of events the automation agent is listening for.

  6. Click View/Enter Actions.
  7. Click Add Action.
  8. Select an Action of IF.
  9. Create the following new saved condition which will contain a new saved query:
    1. Click n (new) next to the Saved Condition field.
    2. Enter a Saved Condition ID of ADDITIONAL_CONTACT.
    3. Click n (new) next to the Saved Query ID field.
    4. Enter a User Query Name of NOTIFY_CONTACT.
    5. Do not select the Use In Finder check box.
    6. Click View/Define Query.

      Note: If you create the saved query as detailed here, the object type of SHIPMENT is automatically specified for you. You will not see the Object Type ID field. However, if you are creating a saved query via power data, then you will need to select an Object Type ID of SHIPMENT.

    7. Enter the following SQL into both the Check One SQL and the Find All SQL boxes:


    8. Click Finished to save the Saved Query.
    9. Click Save to the right of the Saved Queries grid to save this saved query.
    10. Click Finished to save the saved condition.
    11. Close the results page.
  10. Click Save at the bottom of the Agent Action Parameters page to save the agent action.

    Note: Adding the IF and Saved Condition to the automation agent will prevent exceptions from being generated when there are no additional contacts associated with the service provider.

  11. Click the green plus sign at the end of the IF: ADDITIONAL_CONTACT action to add a new action.
  12. Select an Action of ASSIGN VARIABLE.
  13. Enter a Variable Name of $ADDITIONAL_CONTACT_GID.
  14. Specify the Saved Query that was created above which is NOTIFY_CONTACT.
  15. Save the action.
  16. Click the green plus sign next to ASSIGN VARIABLE: $ADDITIONAL_CONTACT_GID, NOTIFY_CONTACT to add the last agent action.
  17. Select an action of NOTIFY CONTACT.
  18. Enter a contact of $ADDITIONAL_CONTACT_GID.
  19. Save the agent action.
  20. Click Finished to save the automation agent.

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