Shipment Management

Location Manager: Routing

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Location Manager. This is on the Routing tab.

Identify the type of route and transportation methods that can be used to arrive at or leave from a location on the Routing screen. Routing information is used when qualifying an itinerary or rates, planning shipments and releasing orders.

Defining Routing for a Location

Note: To enable this, the parameter "USE SINGLE SERVICE PROVIDER RULE" must be set.

  1. Select a Location Classification from the drop-down list. Use the location classification to help refine the search for a rate offering that qualifies for a shipment, identify a location as having a location classification, such as Commercial or Residential. This information is not used when calculating rates for a shipment, only for qualifying them. You can define additional classifications in Power Data.
  2. Enter a Service Provider Profile. A service provider profile defines which service providers are compatible or incompatible with that location.
  3. Enter a Equipment Group Profile. An equipment group profile is a list of equipment that is compatible or incompatible with that location. For example, a particular loading dock may not be able to handle large trucks and containers.
  4. Enter a Substitute Location ID. Use this field to define ONE alternate location from which an order is picked up for transportation purposes. For example, for any ship unit or line item on an order, you can record a Source Location and Destination Location that would typically be used to plan a shipment. However, if you record a Substitute Location for any location that is used as a Source Location on an order, Oracle Transportation Management automatically uses the Substitute Location and populate it on the order release. Oracle Transportation Management also uses the Substitute Location on the order release as the source location when building a shipment; however you can override this location on the order base and order release.
  5. Pickup Routing Sequence and Dropoff Routing Sequence control the routing sequence; how Oracle Transportation Management plans the sequence of shipment stops that are built from an order base.
  6. Enter a Serving Service Provider Profile. It is the Rail Service Providers serving the location. It is different from the Service Provider Profile since it may be different from the service provider on the shipment. It is the service provider on the route code associated with the rate that is serving/can serve the location. It can be service providers (Rail Carrier SCACs) for which the facility is open to switch.
    Not all rail service providers can physically serve a location. This provides a list of possible service providers that can serve a location. This profile is checked against the Service Provider SCACs in the Route Code Definition specified on the rate record. There must be a match for the rate record and service provider to be used at this location.
  7. Select the Allow Driver Rest check box to allow a driver rest period to occur while at this location. The driver will be considered infeasible if the location does not allow a rest and the HOS rules require rest time.
  8. Optionally, enter a Src Arbitrary Level of Service and/or Dest Arbitrary Level of Service. This is the preferred source/destination arbitrary level of service when selecting the source/destination arbitrary for a location during shipment planning.
  9. The Use Single Service Provider Rule field allows you to specify the use of single service provider at a location. Selecting "For Pickups and Deliveries" will make the location use the single service provider rule for either pickups or deliveries.
  10. Enter a Shuttle Lot Equipment Group Profile if this location is a shuttle lot. This specifies the equipment group profile for the shuttle lot of a location. When a shipment uses one of the equipment groups in this equipment group profile, the location cannot be directly accessed for pickup/delivery and is accessed only through the shuttle lot. When one of these equipment groups visits the location for delivery, the new activity time is added to the activity time at the location. These equipment groups must be combo equipments. The first in the combo equipment will be the shuttle delivery truck.

  11. ERU Grouping indicate orders going to this location will be grouped together for ERU grouping.

Operational Locations

  1. When transporting goods to and from ports, airports, or rail ramps, there can be different points within them that goods are delivered to or picked up from. These points are known as Operational Locations. You can assign any number of Operational Locations to a location. Click the New button to define Operational Locations.

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