Shipment Management

Location Manager: Roles

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Location Manager. This is on the Roles tab.

Each location must be assigned a transportation role, and may also be assigned a location capacity, accessorials and special services.

Location Profiles

For planning purposes, you must assign at least one role to a location. The location role is an action qualifier. It calculates distance values and rates. Click New Location Role Profile to define a role profile.

Note: When creating a new customer, the location created for the customer has default role of CUSTOMER.

Location Capacity Group

  1. Enter a Location Capacity Group ID to attach a specific Location Capacity to a location.

    By attaching a Location Capacity Group,the system is able to track capacity utilization for the location. Currently, this tool is for reporting purposes only and can be performed under the Location Capacity Usage action.
  2. Enter the Effective and Expiration Dates for a Location Capacity Group. These dates determine how long a Location Capacity Group is to be used for the location.

    Note: When there are multiple Location Capacity Groups,the system chooses the valid group with the latest effective date.

  3. Click Save for each location capacity group you have selected.

Accessorials & Special Services

  1. Accessorial Code ID: It is important to identify any accessorials that may affect the cost of a shipment involved with this location. Additional expenses such as tolls and fuel surcharges are typical examples of accessorials that affect the rate.
  2. If you decide to assign an accessorial code to a location, you must click Save. Specify as many accessorials as necessary. Click Save after you enter each code.
  3. Special Service: You can define various special services that may be needed, such as the location requiring a trip to the second floor of a building. It is important that the location include information about any special services that may impact the service providers who qualify to service that location. Some special services may increase rates. If using shuttle lot activity, you need to define a special service for the shuttle.
  4. If you decide to assign a special services code to a location, you must click Save. Specify as many special service codes as necessary. Click Save after you enter each code.

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