Operational Planning

View Location Capacity Usage

There are different options to view Location Capacity Usage Results. Choose between viewing the Planned, Estimated, or Actual Time capacities for a location. Change the Start and End time to view the capacities of a location between time periods. This page is accessed via the Location manager.

The property glog.business.location.locationCapacityOptimizer.CalculateStopWaitUsingLCinBP when False (default), checks location capacity after the service time calculation. If True, OTMt changes the stop wait time inside service time calculation. Afterward, OTM will not re-check the location capacity. The default is False.

Shipment Activity Chart

The location's Shipment Activity GANTT Chart enables you to view multiple shipments' arrival and departure times at a location over a period of time.

The Shipment Activity Chart is derived from values in the Fixed or Variable Stop Time fields of the location profile.

When shipments are created in Oracle Transportation Management, a Planned Arrival Time and Activity Time length for each stop is generated. Both the Time (pending on type selected to chart) and shipments are created from this information. The Y axis shows all shipments for a time period. The X axis shows the time it takes to complete these activities.

Move your mouse over the Shipment ID or corresponding bar graph to find information on the Total Weight, Total Volume, Arrival Time and Departure Time of a Shipment. right-click on the Shipment ID or corresponding bar graph for the following options: Viewing the Shipment and Shipment Stop Time or Changing the Stop Time for a Shipment.

In order to graph a different time type or constraint, enter in the new factors and click OK.

Location Capacity Chart

Location Capacity Chart is an XY chart that shows the capacity usage during the same time period as the Shipment Activity Chart. For each capacity defined by the location capacity, there is a corresponding chart. While currently just a reporting tool, it is a great way to see which capacities consistently are above or below target and which are hitting target.

Each blue bar represents a single time bucket for a time block.

The chart's red line represents the maximum capacity for the time bucket. The green line represents the target capacity for the time bucket.

Move the mouse over a bucket to see the Start Time, End Time, Bucket Used Capacity, Bucket Maximum Capacity, Bucket Target Capacity, Bucket Below Target Penalty, and Bucket Above Target Penalty details.

In order to graph a different time type or constraint, enter in the new factors and click OK.

View Location Capacity Usage

To view the graphs, you need to install Adobe SVG 3.0.3.

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