Operational Planning

Activity Type Capacity

This page is accessed via Operational Planning > Location Capacity Rule Management > Location Capacity. Enter values in the Location Capacity Detail grid and click Save.

Once a capacity calendar and capacity constraints have been established for a location, Oracle Transportation Management needs to know the throughput capacity per activity.

The activity capacity page displays the time blocks of an activity (set up in the capacity calendar) and links the blocks to the amount of work that can be done per time bucket. The values entered into the fields represent the default constraints for all time blocks for the activity unless noted in the location capacity override grid. Set the activity's capacity by filling in the fields:

  • Maximum Quantity/Volume/Weight: total amount that a time bucket can accommodate.
  • Target Quantity/Volume/Weight: ideal amount for a time bucket.
  • Above/Below Target Penalty: the currency amount set if the activity performed does not hit the target per each unit of measure.

Location Capacity Override

The Location Capacity Override grid lets you specify the capacity for a single activity time block. If there are defaults, you can click the Edit link and Oracle Transportation Management will disable the default settings for the time block selected and allow you to define the capacity for the time block for that activity. For instance, you may have more labor available later in the day and are able to receive more product later in the day than you can during the morning hours. In this scenario, the time bucket could be set differently from the default or the amount of weight or volume could be increased per time block bucket.

Note: You can perform an activity many times throughout a day. The more time block increments provided on the capacity calendar about the activity, the more flexibility you have when creating time and capacity requirements for a location.

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