Shipment Management

Special Service Manager

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Power Data > Special Service Management > Special Service.

Oracle Transportation Management allows you to define special service codes that may affect the shipping of goods. Special services are customer requirements that must be met. For example, a particular ship unit may require delivery to a construction site.

A Special Service is a service that the customer requires for a shipment to occur. It differs from an accessorial in that it is used to qualify rate offerings for shipments. Any required special services must be defined, even if no extra charge applies. This ensures that pickup and delivery locations, equipment, and other considerations are taken into account when qualifying an order.

You can use special service codes in locations, service providers, and orders. You can specify what special services must be offered by the service provider who transports your shipment. In rate offerings and rate records, you include the special service codes that can be offered as part of that rate.

Creating a Special Service Code

  1. Enter a Special Service ID.
  2. If you record a Special Service Description, it appears as the Shipment Cost Type on the Financial tab of the Shipment Manager when this special service is applied to a shipment. If no description is provided here, Oracle Transportation Management uses the description recorded on the Accessorial Costs page. If no description exists there, then the Shipment Cost Type displays as an accessorial.
  3. Enter a Mode Profile ID. The fulfillment of the special services on a shipment while rating is done is as follows:
    • The rating engine searches for all of the rate records applicable for the shipment.
    • The special services on the shipment are checked for compatibility with the special services on the rate offering and rate records.
    • While checking for compatibility, transport mode of the rate offering is checked for compatibility against the mode profile of the special service.
    • If the transport mode profile on the special service is not given then the special service is by default compatible with any transport mode.
    • When a rate offering provides all the special services of the shipment which are compatible with the transport mode of rate offering, the rate offering is selected for rating.
    • Any special services which are not compatible with the transport mode of rate offering will not be persisted on the shipment.
  4. Select the Arbitrary check box to indicate that the special service is for tracking an ocean arbitrary.
  5. Select a Domain Name from the drop-down list.
  6. Enter a Special Service Group ID.
  7. Select a Default for Source/Dest. You can make this special service default to source, destination, or both stops  on your order release using this field. For example, if you make this special service default to the source location, when you add this special service to an order release, OTM will know that it affects the source location without you having to explicitly specify that this special service applies to the source location on every order. Note that you can override this on your order release and OTM does not specify the default location on the order, only on the special service itself.

Note: Select a Default for Source/Dest. You can make this special service default to source, destination, both stops or lane based on your shipment using this field. For a lane based example, a special service identified on the destination location (last drop-off location) will be applied to the source location (first pick-up location) of the shipment.

  1. Enter an Activity Type; for example, Bobtail, Load or Pickup empty.
  2. Select Driver Time Type. This indicates if the time associated with this special service is considered work time, drive time, rest time or wait time. If there is Driver Time Type specified on the Special Services, following are the only activity types considered as 'load' or 'unload':
  1. If there is no Driver Time Type specified on the Special Services:

    • For Fixed Stop Time, there is no check on the activity type.
    • For Variable Stop Time, it is based on the shipment ship units matching that stop's activity (P, D).

Assignment Check

Use this section to designate if this special service is to be checked as part of the asset assignment process.  You can select none, one or all of the available assignment checks listed (for driver, for equipment, and for power unit).

Asset Level

Use the selections available in this section to tell Oracle Transportation Management if this special service code is to be available on several managers as indicated in the following table:

Asset Level


Manager (available in)

Driver/Driver Type Remark


Driver Manager, Driver Type Manager



Driver Manager


Driver Type

Driver Type Manager


Not Applicable


Equipment/Equipment Type Remark


Equipment Manager, Equipment Type Manager



Equipment Manager


Equipment Type

Equipment Type Manager


Not Applicable


Power Unit/Power Unit Type Remark


Power Unit Manager, Power Unit Type Manager


Power Unit

Power Unit Manager


Power Unit Type

Power Unit Type Manager


Not Applicable




Use the Default Payable Indicator field to define the default payable status.  The available indicators are:

  • Not Payable
  • Payable
  • Payable (Zero Amount)
  • Requires Approval

Use the Default Billable Indicator field to define the default billable status. The available indicators are:

  • Billable
  • Billable (Zero Amount)
  • Not Billable
  • Requires Adjustment
  • Requires Approval


If the special service will be used for rating purposes, select the For Rating check box.


Use this section to tell Oracle Transportation Management how to consider the special service during the planning process.

Select the Ignorable check box, if the special service will not impact either the time or the sequence of events. If this check box is not selected for a special service, the Force Assign Driver, Equipment and Equipment Type actions will honor this constraint and the force will not work.

If the special service will impact the time involved for the shipment, select the Time Based check box.

If the special service will impact the sequence of events, select a sequence indicator from the Sequence drop-down list. Sequence Types are as follows:

  • Before Unloading: Will always occur first
  • Between Unloading and Loading: will occur between Unload and Load if both are present on the stop, will occur after Unload if only Unload is present, will occur before Load if only Load is present.
  • After Unloading: Will always occur last
If you want to always wash the truck while it is empty, you would probably use "Between Unloading and Loading". So, if the stop only has Unloading, the wash occurs after the unload; if the stop only has Loading, the wash occurs before the Load; if the stop has both Unloading and Loading, the wash occurs between the two.

Attribute Rules

  1. Select the type of attribute rule that applies to this special service in the Type drop-down list.
  2. Select the specific rule (or create a new one) in the Attribute Rule ID field.
  3. Click Save.

Note: You can apply multiple attribute rules by repeating this process.

Special Service Compatible Sets

  1. If the special service is part of a compatible set, select the set ID in the Special Service Compatible Set ID field.
  2. Select the set type in the Type field.
  3. Click Save.

Note: You can apply multiple compatible sets by repeating this process.

Once you have completed all applicable sections of this page, click Finished to record the information.

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