Contract and Rate Management

Level of Service

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Power Data > General > Level of Service.

Use this page to create level of service IDs, such as expedited, standard and economy. Levels of service are used in rate offering lane special services (for example, to model different modes).

Arbitraries can be faster, for example. rail; or slower, such as truckload. When planning orders, OTM allows shipments to use a level of service with a cheaper rate when time permits. For example, when the ocean booking occurs and an earlier sailing is necessary to meet time window constraints on the order, OTM can plan orders with the faster arbitrary option.

Level of service can be indicated on source location and destination location but not on arbitrary via point location.

The USE LEVEL OF SERVICE FOR ARBITRARIES parameter must be enabled to use this functionality. Enabling this will not require that a level of service is required on each rate offering lane special service. A rate offering lane special service, will still be used with a level of service that is null.

Adding Levels of Service

  1. Enter a unique Level of Service ID for this record.
  2. Optionally, enter a Description.
  3. Accept the default Domain Name or select another.
  4. Click Finished.

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