Shipment Management

Change Level of Service

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments or Sell Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Change Shipment Costs > Change Level of Service.

This action allows you to change the destination level of service of the shipment, to a different level of service, after planning.

The action does the following: For the destination level of service, when the shipment is modified, OTM looks at the VIA DEST STOP on the shipment. OTM determines the best (latest) time PLANNED, ESTIMATE, ACTUAL on the stop as the stop time. Then OTM uses the rate service from the new level of service  and re-estimates the remaining times on the shipment. If there is a downstream shipment, and the redrive check box is selected, OTM will redrive it.

This action has the following options:

  • Destination Arbitrary Level of Service: This is validated the same as the shipment so you can only select appropriate values.
  • Redrive Downstream Shipments: This option redrives the downstream shipments.
  • Downstream Location Profile ID: This field will appear if you click the Redrive Downstream Shipments check box.

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Level of Service