Contract and Rate Management

Rate Offering Lane Special Service

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Power Data > General > Rate Offering Lane Special Service.

Use this page to define an inland rate for an ocean arbitrary. For example, if you are shipping between two ports, you can establish a rate offering lane special service to cover the costs of shipping to/from one of those ports from a non-port location. Establishing a special service to cover the difference between the inland locations enables you to have less complicated shipping via ocean transport since you don't need to create a separate leg for the trip.

  1. Enter a Rate Offering Lane Special Service ID.
  2. Enter a Rate Offering ID.
  3. Enter a Special Service Code. If using arbitraries, be sure to define the special services for the source and destination arbitraries.
  4. Enter a Rate Service ID.
  5. Enter a Rate Distance ID. To calculate arbitrary distance based on a different rate distance than the rate distance which was provided in Rate Offering.
  6. Enter a Rail Route Code ID.
  7. Optionally, enter a Level of Service ID. If levels of service are being used, the USE LEVEL OF SERVICE FOR ARBITRARIES parameter is on, you may want to define multiple rate offering lane special services with different levels of service. You could have a faster one with one cost and a slower one with a different cost.

Geo Hierarchy

  1. Select a Source Geo Hierarchy

    Enter a Source Region.
  2. Select a Destination Geo Hierarchy

    Enter a Destination Region.
  3. Continue to the Regions tab.

Regions Tab

The fields that appear on this tab depend on your selections on the Lane Info tab. If you selected a Source Geo Hierarchy of Location, you will be prompted for a Location. If you selected Postal/Country, you will be prompted for a Postal Code and a Country Code.
  1. Enter the required fields.
  2. Optionally, enter an Order Source Region and/or an Order Destination Region.
  3. Click Finished.

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