Contract and Rate Management

Rail Route Codes

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Power Data > Rates and Codes > Rail Route Codes.

Rail route codes define a route between two stations on a rail line. Border crossings, junction cities, and other information can be specified for each rail route.

Rail route codes are used as rate record attributes to determine rates for rail shipments. Rail route codes are also used to designate the legs of Rule 11 rail shipments.

  1. Enter a Rail Route Code ID.
  2. Enter a description of the code in the Route Code Description field.
  3. Select a Domain Name.
  4. In the Origin Station SPLC and Destination Station SPLC fields, enter the railroad station that is the point of origin and destination when transporting goods via railroad. Use the correct SPLC designation. These fields are required if you are using PCMiler Rail.
  5. Enter a description of the rail route in the Route Description field.
  6. In the Origin Station City and Destination Station City fields, enter the city that is the point of origin and destination when transporting goods via railroad. The same origin and destination concept will apply to Station Province, Station Province Code, and Country Code. This field is for information only.
  7. In the Destination ID when empty and Rail Route Code ID for Empty fields, enter the ID's where the empty cars should end up after the goods has been delivered. This field is for information only.
  8. In the Rail Border Crossing Location ID field, enter the Location ID where the rail transport will cross a national border. This field is for information only.
  9. Select the Multi-Block check box if this route contains a block train. Selecting this check box will enable you to specify the sequence and the stop locations of the block train.

You can add details that explain the order in which a switch between service providers occurs during a single rail transport.

  1. Enter a Sequence Number to order multiple switches between service providers that occur during a single rail transport.

    Note:  If you are using PCMiler Rail, the sequence rows must be in the correct order or you will receive an error when you run the PCMiler distance engine.

  2. Enter the Carrier SCAC code for the service provider.
  3. Enter a Sequence Code to specify the order in which events should occur on this rail route. Choices for this field include:
    • 1-9 : The first, second, third, etc. carriers after the original carrier.
    • A: The origin carrier as routed by the agent.
    • D: The carrier at the delivery switch.
    • I: Service Provider used for the switch at the originating location.
    • R: Rule 11; numeric value for subsequent legs.
    • S: Service Provider used at the origin point.

    For multi-leg rail shipments, use one of the following sequence codes for the first leg:

      • S: to specify a shipper's routing for the first leg of a shipment.
      • A: to specify an agent's routing for the first leg of a shipment.
      • R: to specify the first leg of a Rule 11 shipment.

    Subsequent legs use numeric Sequence Codes, beginning with 1 for the second leg, 2 for the third leg, and so. For example, a four-legged Rule 11 shipment would have this order of sequence codes: R, 1, 2, 3.

  4. In the Rail Junction Code field, enter the junction at which the change in service providers occurs. When defining the final carrier, leave this field blank.
  5. Click Save for each sequence you defined.
  6. If you select the Multi-Block check box (in step 9 mentioned above), do the following:
    1. Enter a Sequence Number to order the stop locations of the Multi-Block.
    2. Enter a location ID for the Multi-Block stop in the Stop Location field.
    3. Click Save.
  7. Click Finished.

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