Contract and Rate Management

Rate Record Attributes

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Contract Management > Rate Record. Then select the Attributes tab.

There are several options that can be defined for a rate record. If an option is not defined for a rate record, any options defined for the associated rate offering are applied.

Rate Lane Definition

Depending on how you defined the Source and Destination in the Lane Info section of the previous page, different attributes are available to define the rate lane.

Use those fields to define the lane for which the rate record applies. Complete the appropriate fields for your lane definitions, based on the Source Geo Hierarchy and Destination Geo Hierarchy entered on the previous page. For example, if you entered Location as your source geo hierarchy and USZIP5 as your destination, you would enter the location of your starting point and the particular 5-digit US Zip Code as your destination.

The Total All Stops field allows you to set a constraint on total stops. For LTL rates, you must enter 2 in this field. You can also set a constraint for pickup stops and delivery stops. See the rate offering help topic for more information on this field.


This section only appears if the rate offering has an offering type of Truckload (TL). These same fields can also be applied at the rate offering level. See the rate offering help topic for details about circuity.

If a field is left blank in the rate record, the options defined for the rate offering apply.

Note: To use circuity for Oracle Transportation Sourcing, you must define circuity on the rate record.

Stop-off Charges

This section only appears if the rate offering has an offering type of Truckload (TL). These same fields can also be applied at the rate offering level. See the rate offering help topic for details about stop-off charges.

If you want the rate record to offer different stop-off charges than those defined in the rate offering, enter your changes here. If a field is left blank in the rate record, the options defined for the rate offering apply.

Note: To use stop-off charges for Oracle Transportation Sourcing, you must define them on the rate record.


If you want to specify the Miscellaneous section of the rate record differently than the rate offering, enter your changes on this tab. If a field is left blank in the rate record, the options defined for the rate offering apply.

Note: Do not use the Allow Uncosted Line Items check box to solve an Uncosted Line Item exception. If you select this check box, there is a possibility that some basis options will ship for free.  You must define cost for all items which are not charged to avoid infeasible exceptions. For example, a shipment contains an Equipment Group Profile called Dry Vans which includes both 28 FT Dry Van and 24 FT Dry Van Equipment Groups. In this example, only one equipment group 28 FT Dry Van is rated. So, shipment is rated with only one equipment group (28 FT Dry Van) which is compatible to the order requirement and is charged as 1000 USD per equipment with the condition as equipment group profile is Dry Van. In this case, while rating a shipment, OTM throws an infeasible exception as uncosted line items found. In order to avoid this exception, you must define a rate record where both the equipments are rated.

  1. Allow Uncosted Line Items affects how Oracle Transportation Management calculates rate costs. This is used when there are one or more ratable objects on the shipment which are not charged or considered for rating when rating a shipment using rate record.
    • Marked: Some basis options within a shipment pass through the rating engine without a charge if other basis options qualify. For example, if a shipment contains four line items, and a rate is found that contains charges for 3 of those items, that rate qualifies for the shipment and the fourth line item ships for free.

      If there is a conditional charge and a minimum charge, and the conditional charge does not apply, the minimum charge will always be applied.
    • Cleared: This rate only qualifies if all basis options can be charged.

      If there is a conditional charge and a minimum charge, the minimum will only be checked for and applied if a valid rate was found.
  2. Minimum Charge is the absolute minimum charge that applies, regardless of the actual cost to ship.
  3. You can define a Rate Quality ID to help weigh rates. For example, you may want to ensure that rates from a certain carrier do not qualify for a shipment. Rate quality factors do not affect the actual cost to ship. They are only used in qualifying a shipment.
  4. Minimum Stops is the minimum number of stops allowed for shipments using this rate.
  5. A DIM Rate Factor can be used to calculate the dimensional weight of a shipment of goods. Typically, this is used for goods shipped via air or sea.
  6. Select how you want to Calculate Chargeable Weight/Volume and Dimensional Weight Using. If you select this field value as "Shipment Total Dimensional Weight/Volume", chargeable weight/volume and dimensional weight will be calculated based on the total dimensional weight/volume of the Shipment. If you select this field value as "Sum of Individual Ship Unit Dimensional Weight/Volume", chargeable weight/volume and dimensional weight will be calculated based on the total sum of individual ship units dimensional weight/volume of the shipment.
  7. Define an Equipment Group Profile ID if you want rating to be constrained to only use equipment associated with this Equipment Group Profile ID.
  8. Select or define a Logic Configuration ID if it will impact this offering.
  9. Define a Flex Commodity Profile ID if you want rating to be constrained by Flexible Commodities, which allows you to group items together that may or may not share similar attributes, but do share the same rates.
  10. Enter a tiered rating time period definition if you are using tiered rating.


If you want to specify the Rail section of the rate record differently than the rate offering, enter the changes in this area. If a field is left blank in the rate record, the options defined for the offering apply.

  1. If you want the Rail Route Code included on the Bill of Lading, enter the Rail Route Code ID. The rail route code is required to use Rule 11 logic.
  2. The From Beyond and For Beyond check boxes allow the existence of two rates with the same geography, such as SPLC to SPLC, to exist with one being allowable for use with Rule 11 and the other one not. Since you cannot have the same GID, this allows you to have the flexibility. The For Beyond check box is for a leg going into a junction as defined on Rule 11 Route Code. The From Beyond check box is for a leg going from a junction. Select both check boxes for a leg going from a junction to a junction. OTM does the following when finding a rate record for a shipment whose rule 11 check box is not null:

The rule Rate Geo Rail Beyond Rate (Rule ID - rgrbrRule) controls whether a FOR/FROM BEYOND RAIL rate record can be used on a non-Rule 11 leg. This is not included in the default rate geo rule set.

    • If the leg is Tender, the FOR BEYOND flag must be checked.  
    • If the leg is Settlement, BOTH flags need to be checked.   

Master Rate Override Base

By selecting this, you allow the master rate offering to completely override the base rate, rather than adding to it. This attribute will only appear if the rate offering type includes either the MASTERNOSERVICE or MASTERWITHSERVICE rate attributes.

Buy Rate Constraints

This section enables you to identify buy rates that are related to a specific sell rate. This is necessary to ensure that the correct buy rate is selected when building buy shipments for a given sell shipment. Use this section to specify buy rates or service providers on a sell rate that should be used when planning buy shipments from a sell shipment. This data is only used when running the Build Buy Side Shipment, Book with Internal NVOCC - Direct, and the Book with Internal NVOCC - Show Routing Options actions from the Sell Shipment Manager.

These fields only appear if the parent rate offering has a perspective of "All" or "Sell".

To enable this functionality, configure a Buy Service Provider Profile and/or Buy Rate Record Profile to identify which service providers or rate records should be used when building buy shipments from a sell shipment that was created using this (sell) rate record.

Note: Service Provider Profiles and Rate Record Profiles can be pre-defined in Power Data.

When you run the Build Buy Side Shipment action, Oracle Transportation Management evaluates the rate records assigned to the sell shipment. If either a Buy Rate Record Profile or Buy Service Provider Profile is valued on the rate record, planning will be constrained to only select a rate from the specified rate records or from rate records associated with the service providers specified in the profile.


The National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC) fields allow you to apply a specific NMFC based rate using a range of NMFC classes. For example, if you want anything between the NMFC class of 45 and 65 to use the 55 NMFC class rate, then you would enter 45 in the NMFC Low field, 65 in the NMFC High field, and 55 in the Rate As NMFC Class field.

Note: The NMFC Low and High fields are inclusive, meaning they follow a "greater than or equal to" and a "less than or equal to" pattern respectively. Using the above example, 45 and 65 are included in the ranges.


The Discount fields are used to pass various discounts to the SMC3 external rating engine. Click SMC3 Discount to define SMC3 discounts.

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