Contract and Rate Management

Rate Costs

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Contract Management > Rate Record > Rate Costs.

Establish actual costs for shipments on the Rate Costs page.

Note: If you have Rate Cost Groups activated, this page will display more fields. Rate cost groups can be created to group rate costs that you want to use together. This allows you to combine separate costs to produce a final rate.

Multiple rate rules can be attached to any rate record. For example, you could create one rule to cover the minimum cost of any shipment using this rate, and another rule that outlines the maximum cost that can be applied. Between the minimum and maximum cost, you may want to set up a normal cost.

The property determines if OTM will still rate a shipment even if the distance calculation fails.

Use the Rounding and Deficit Calculation fields to define the behavior of all numeric fields during the rating process.

Choose a Multi-Costs Rule to define how costs are calculated when more than one rate cost is valid:

  • Add: Oracle Transportation Management adds all valid costs and determines a final total for the shipment.
  • Minimum: Oracle Transportation Management calculates the lowest valid cost and use that for the shipment.
  • Maximum: Oracle Transportation Management calculates the highest possible cost, and use that for the shipment.

To create a rate, click Add a Cost.

To define any extra charges for this rate record, click Accessorials.

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