Contract and Rate Management

Rate Record Profiles

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Power Data > Rates and Codes > Rate Record Profiles.

Rate Record Profiles allow you to identify a group of rate records that will be evaluated when creating buy shipments from sell shipments using the Build Buy Side Shipment action from the Sell Shipment Manager.

Before you can run the Build Buy Side Shipment action, you need to configure your sell rate records with the appropriate service provider and/or rate record profiles to create a link between sell and buy rates.

Adding Rate Record Profiles

  1. Enter a Rate Record Profile ID in the field.
  2. Provide a Name for the rate record profile ID.
  3. Select the Compatible check box to have Oracle Transportation Management include the rate records in the profile when evaluating candidates for building buy shipments. If you clear the check box, Oracle Transportation Management excludes the rate records from the shipment building process.
  4. Select a Domain Name from the drop-down list box.
  5. Use the Rate Record grid to list the rate records that are part of this profile (or list).
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Finished.

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