Contract and Rate Management

Dimensional Rate Factor

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Power Data > Rates and Codes > DIM Rate Factor.

The Dimensional (Dim) Rate Factor calculates the dimensional weight of a shipment, typically for goods shipped via air or sea.

The weight is calculated as:

Volume of the shipment/Dimensional rate factor

Oracle Transportation Management always uses the greater of dimensional weight and actual weight which is called the chargeable weight. This chargeable weight is used while rating the shipment.

Once you have created a Dim Rate Factor, you can assign it to a Rate Offering or an Order Base.

When that rate offering is attached to a shipment, the volume and weight of the shipment is used with this Dim Rate Factor record to calculate cost.

Use the Dim Factor field to define the number that Oracle Transportation Management uses to divide the shipment volume. Dim Rate factors can be entered using real weight and volume measurements, for example 6CUFT=5LB can be used.

Note: Make sure you calculate your Dim Factor with the unit of measure of the shipment volume and desired DIM weight.

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