Contract and Rate Management

Rate Offering Attributes

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Contract Management > Rate Offering. Then select the Attributes tab.

Once you have defined the generic offering options, you can define additional options using the Attributes page of the rate offering. Because the attributes are dependent upon the offering type you selected in the Rate Header, some of the sections described below may not apply. All offering types that apply are noted for each section.

If the rate offering type you selected on the header page references the RatewareXL external rating engine, be sure to specify that engine in the External Rating Engine ID field.


Total All Stops: Total All Stops is the maximum number of stops allowed, no matter what the stop-off charge is. If the Total All Stops field is not populated, Oracle Transportation Management assumes that an unlimited number of stops are supported by this rate offering.

This indicates the total number of Pickup Stops and Delivery Stops this rate offering supports. Pickup Stops and Delivery Stops limit the number of stops of a certain kind. Pickup Stops plus Delivery Stops should equal Total All Stops. You can also leave these blank to allow any combination of pickup and delivery stops.

If more stops occur for a shipment than are specified here, the rate offering does not qualify.

Allowed Stop-offs and Circuity

If the offering type of TL is selected, then some different fields appear at the top of the Attributes tab:

  • Stops Included in Rate indicates the number of free stops included in the rate before stop-off charges apply. The source and destination locations count as stops so, typically, the minimum number of stops included in the rate is 2. Additional charges apply for all stops not included in the rate.
  • Fields related to circuity which is explained below:
    • Circuity Allowance Percent
    • Circuity Distance Cost
    • Maximum Circuity Percent
    • Maximum Circuity Distance


Enter rules that define how the circuity of a multi-stop route affects the rate. Sometimes a service provider may offer a rate that charges based on the first and last stops in a route, while not charging for any stops in between. To be cost-effective, service providers often require that the mid-points of the route be within a reasonable distance of the end points.

If a shipment exceeds the Circuity Allowance Percent, Oracle Transportation Management applies a surcharge defined by the Circuity Distance Cost for each distance unit over the maximum. Set the Circuity Allowance Percent to define the "free" out-of-route percent. Calculate your Circuity Allowance Percent as:

Circuity Allowance Percent = (t/d-1)*100 where

  • t is the allowed total distance traveled between the first and last stop of the shipment.
  • d is the shortest distance between the first and last stop of the shipment.

If the allowed total distance is 1500 miles and the distance between the first and last stop is 1300 miles, Circuity Allowance Percent = (1500/1300-1)*100 = (1.15-1)*100 = 15%. The lower the percentage, the more in line the route must be.

You can also define the Maximum Circuity Percent and Maximum Circuity Distance. If these values are exceeded, the rate cannot be applied to the shipment. To use these two fields, you must have a value in the Circuity Distance Cost field. If there is no additional cost applicable, then enter a cost of 0.00.

Stop-off Charges

A truckload (TL) rate can include a number of stops in its base cost and then charge extra for additional stops. The costs of the additional stops are called stop-off charges. A stop-off charge applies to a range of stops.

The first range should start with 1which is the first additional stop not included in the rate. Your last range should end with the number of allowed additional stops. The sum of your highest High Stop and Stops Included in Rate should equal the Total All Stops allowed.

If the Offering Type of TL is selected, the Stops grid appears. Use the Stops grid to define charges for stops that are in addition to those specified in the Stops Included in Rate field.

To define charges for additional stops, specify a range, from Low Stop to High Stop, and a Per Stop Charge that applies for each stop within your range. For example, 2 stops may be included in your rate, per the Stops Included in Rate field, and the rate supports 17 stops per the Total All Stops field.

  • For 1 (Low) to 3 (High) extra stops, $10 is charged for each stop.
  • For 4 (Low) to 10 (High) stops, $20 is charged for each stop.
  • For 11 (Low) to 15 (High) stops, $30 is charged for each stop.
  • Click Save for every range and stop charge you enter.


Depending on the offering type you selected in the Rate Offering Header, different options are available to you in the Miscellaneous section. The table below provides a brief description of the fields available.



Rate Classification

Use the drop-down list to select the classification of charges that may apply. Rate classifications help qualify rates for shipments. A rate offering cannot be used to cost a shipment if the rate classification of the rate offering does not match the classification for the destination location of the shipment.

Minimum Charge

The absolute minimum charge that applies, regardless of actual cost to ship.

Rate Distance ID

Assign the standard to be used for calculating distances.

External Rating Engine ID

Bring in rates from another rating engine by selecting the ID of that engine.

Generic External Engine Fieldset ID

Specify the fieldset ID created for the engine you wish to use. This field only appears if the Rate Offering Type has the attribute of EXTERNALRATINGENGINE.

Quality Rating ID

Assign a quality rating.

Fallback Rate Service ID

The fall back rate service will be used for driving the shipment if the regular rate service is unable to drive the shipment. For example, you may typically have voyage information for two months into the future. However, sometimes a possible order will come in for three months into the future. This works for all rate inquiry types. For example, this will enable you to run rate inquiry Network Rate and Route for this order information, using the same itineraries and rates, and get answers for rate and route even though you do not have voyage information that far in the future.

The parameter FALLBACK RS NUM OF DAYS determines how many days into the future to allow use of the fallback rate offering.

Maximum Cost

The absolute maximum rate that applies, regardless of actual cost to ship.

Minimum Stops

The absolute minimum number of stops allowed for shipments using this rate.

Package Weight Minimum

Specifies the minimum weight value used during rating when determining chargeable weight.

Package Count is Determined By

Specifies the method used to determine the package count during rating.

Tiered Rating Time Period Definition

Defines the time period for tiered rating.

Base Rate Offering

Select the LTL-Base rate offering you want to associate with this LTL-Master rate.

Weight Breaks Definition

Select the weight break profile to be used by this offering.

Warning: If rate record costs already have been defined for this rate offering using a weight break profile, then switching the weight break profile on the rate offering and adding new costs will make the rate record infeasible.

Dimensional Rate Factor

Assign a dimensional rate factor.

Calculate Chargeable Weight/Volume and Dimensional Weight Using

If you select this field value as "Shipment Total Dimensional Weight/Volume", chargeable weight/volume and dimensional weight will be calculated based on the total dimensional weight/volume of the shipment.

If you select this field value as "Sum of Individual Ship Unit Dimensional Weight/Volume", chargeable weight/volume and dimensional weight will be calculated based on the total sum of individual ship units dimensional weight/volume of the shipment.


The Rail Intermodal Service Plan Code is a two-digit code identifying the type of intermodal service plan for this leg (for example, 15 for Plan 15, ramp-to-ramp). These codes are determined by the American Association of Railroads (AAR) and can be managed in Power Data.

Use Customer or Shipper Rate to specify whether the rate for this leg of a shipment was agreed upon between the rail carrier and the customer or the shipper.

Note: Typically, the tendered first leg of a Rule 11 shipment uses a shipper rate, and the non-tendered second leg uses a customer rate.

Use COFC/TOFC to specify the mode of the rail shipment. The options are CONTAINER ON FLAT CAR (COFC), TRAILER ON FLAT CAR (TOFC), and CONTAINER AND CHASSIS ON FLAT CAR. In most cases, rates for COFC shipments are lower than those for TOFC shipments because containers can be double-stacked on flat cars, but trailers cannot.


TACT Rates are a standard set of published air rates. These rates are used if better contract rates are not available. Most shippers who have volume in a specific region will have contract rates since the TACT rates can be high. Even when contract rates are available, sometimes TACT rates will be used for the paperwork of air shipments. This is due to the speed of which air shipments depart and arrive. The paperwork must show a cost, so it will show the TACT rate, even though the cost does not reflect the cost that will actually get paid.

If the Rate Offering Type contains an attribute of DISPLAYRATING, then the Use TACT rates as display for fields will appear. This allows you to display the TACT rate for specific air regions. You should select the regions that apply.


The Absolute Minimum Base Charge determines the minimum charge that applies regardless of discounted savings. For instance, if the Absolute Minimum Base Charge is $2000, the Base Rate is $2100 and the Discount is 10%, the Base Charge of $2000 would be applied instead of the Discount Rate of $1890.

Class Usage

Note: This section is only applicable if the rate is commodity based.

Select one:

  • Actual Commodity: If selected, rates are calculated based on the actual items (the commodity classes) specified on the shipment.
  • Specified Commodity: If selected, rates are calculated based on the single commodity class you enter in the NMFC Class field, regardless of what is actually being shipped.

If you select Specified Commodity, you must select a Flexible Commodity Profile.

For example, if the customer ships lead-casted parts 85% of the time, but sometimes ships tin parts, you may want to base all rates for the customer on the rate you charge for shipping lead-based parts. In this case, you would select Specify Commodity and then select the Commodity Profile you use for shipping lead-based parts. If instead you wanted to charge differently for the tin parts, you would select Actual Rate.

Tariff Information

This section keeps track of tariff information that pertains to a specific rate offering. Enter any tariff information you have been provided by the carrier.

The property determines if  tariff fields are automatically copied from a rate offering to a shipment.

  1. Tariff Refnum Qualifier describes the type of document. CT is a private contract that requires a signature. PR is a private document like a quote without any signature. TS is a public document such as a tariff.
  2. Tariff Refnum is the numeric part of a tariff and the most important field.
  3. Tariff Publishing Authority describes the basic authority for the rate. TP stands for Tariff Publication and is the default. OP stands for Other Publication.
  4. Tariff Agency Code contains the SCAC or initials of the entity who owns the tariff such as a RR or Publishing agency like RPS or WRTA.
  5. Tariff Effective Date is the date when the tariff goes into effect or can be used.
  6. Tariff Issuing Carrier permits the carrier to use a string of characters to differentiate their documents. Examples are C, JQ, SCQ, QTAMR, UPLQ, BNQ, X, BC, NSPQ.

    Note: Never put the Carrier SCAC code here.

  7. Tariff Refnum Suffix is a suffix field for the tariff reference number.
  8. Tariff Reg Agency Code defines if the price is filed with a regulatory agency such as the ICC, STB, or CTA.  The STB (Surface Transportation Board) is now the primary agency however there are many contracts that were filed with the former ( ICC) Interstate Commerce Commission.
  9. Tariff Supplement ID identifies the amendment, revision, or supplement of the rate authority. Many times a contract will be amended and a rate may be found by knowing the number of the amendment where it is located.
  10. Tariff Name allows you to put the full name of the tariff in one field instead of several fields. This name is supplied to you by SMC on the tariffs CD.


The National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC) fields allow you to apply a specific NMFC based rate using a range of NMFC classes. For example, if you want anything between the NMFC class of 45 and 65 to use the 55 NMFC class rate, then you would enter 45 in the NMFC Low field, 65 in the NMFC High field, and 55 in the Rate As NMFC Class field.

Note: The NMFC Low and High fields are inclusive, meaning they follow a "greater than or equal to" and a "less than or equal to" pattern respectively. Using the above example, 45 and 65 are included in the ranges.

The NMFC ranges can vary by lane or by rate record.

SMC Discount

The SMC Movement Type and the Discount fields are used to pass various discounts to the SMC external rating engine.

Note: The SMC Discount Low and High fields are inclusive, meaning they follow a "greater than or equal to" and a "less than or equal to" pattern respectively. Using the above example, 45 and 65 are included in the ranges.

The ranges can vary by lane or by rate record. Additionally, discounts defined on the rate record will completely override those discounts defined on the rate offering.

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