Contract and Rate Management

Continuous Move Rule Data

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Contract Management > Rate Offering. Then select the Continuous Move Rule Data (CM Rule Data) tab.

If you plan to link two or more shipments into a continuous move, enter rate preferences for that continuous move as part of the rate offering. These preferences are used when qualifying rates for a shipment or attempting to merge multiple shipments.

You can link shipments to get a better rate from the service provider when shipments are travelling in similar geographic areas within a specific time period. For example, if a shipment is travelling from Chicago to Miami and another shipment is travelling from Atlanta to Indianapolis, using the same service provider, you can link the shipments to get a less expensive rate.

Once you have created a rate offering with your continuous move preferences, you can create a continuous move in the Shipment Manager.

Note: Only shipments from the same service provider can be linked in a continuous move.

Lane Based Rules

Once you have established basic preferences in the Continuous Moves Rules section, enter specific details for each lane of the shipments that use this rate offering by clicking Add Lane Rule, and entering the appropriate information. A lane defines two geographic points.

  1. Lane ID: These rules only apply to the lane if a continuous move is being created using this lane and this rate offering. Otherwise, these rules do not apply. Enter a Lane ID to identify the lane for which these continuous move rules are being created.
  2. Max Connection Time: The connection time of two consecutive shipments on a continuous move tour is the time between the end of the first shipment and the start of the second shipment. The connection time of any pair of consecutive shipments in a continuous move cannot exceed the max connection time.
  3. Max Empty Distance is the distance from the destination of one shipment to the pickup location of the next. Enter a maximum empty distance if you want to limit the distance your transports may travel to consolidate two or more shipments. If you leave this field blank, shipments may be qualified for the same continuous move regardless of the distance required to connect them. You may also choose to specify a maximum empty distance as a percentage.
  4. Max Empty Distance (%) disqualifies shipments that are too short in comparison to the distance travelled to pick it up.

    Max Empty Distance (%) = 100*E/L, where
    E = Max Empty Distance
    L = Line Haul Distance of the shipment
  5. Min Line Haul Distance: Shipments that are less than this distance cannot be considered for continuous move rates using this offering.
  6. Max Time After Delivery is the maximum amount of time between delivery of one shipment to the pickup of the next shipment. To be able to create a continuous move, a second shipment must be picked up within a certain amount of time after the delivery of the original shipment. If this field is left blank, there is no time limit.

Note: If you plan to build multi-stop shipments, you must select the rate offerings you want to be used in planning. These rate offerings do not determine actual cost, but aid in the planning of shipment strategy, such as deciding between Truck Load (TL) or Less Than Truckload (LTL).

Exclude Regions

  1. Entering an Exclude Region ID in this section prevents continuous move tours from ever ending in the specified region. For example, if you have a region name NORTH_WEST, and you do not want any continuous move tours ending at locations in that region, then you would enter NORTH_WEST in the Exclude Region ID field.

Continuous Moves Rules

  1. Max Number of Shipments: Enter how many shipments are allowed on a continuous move basis when using this rate offering (and all rate records associated with it).
  2. Use Same Equipment: If cleared, then shipments may use varying types of equipment to ship and still be eligible for the same continuous move. Select the check box to have Oracle Transportation Management only include shipments that use the same equipment in the continuous move.
  3. Percent of Empty Cost Applied to Previous Shipment: Select the percentage of the first empty leg cost to allocate to the first shipment in the move. Select 0 to apply none of the cost to the shipment that precedes the empty leg. Select 100% to apply all the cost to the shipment that precedes the empty leg. This field specifies the distance a piece of equipment can be moved to link up with another continuous move load without charges being incurred.

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