Contract and Rate Management

Rate Quality Factors

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Power Data > Rates and Codes > Rate Quality Factors.

You can define rate quality factors in Oracle Transportation Management to help weigh rate offerings. For instance, you may want to ensure that the rates from a certain service provider do not qualify for a shipment. To do so, you may increase the rate by a certain percentage or flat fee so that the rate does not meet cost requirements. Rate quality factors do not affect the actual cost to ship and are only used in qualifying a shipment.

Enter a high value (101-) for low quality service providers and a low value (0-99) for high quality service providers in the Adjustment Percent field.

For an Adjustment Percent of 120, Oracle Transportation Management raises the rate by 20 percent while for an Adjustment Percent of 60, Oracle Transportation Management would lower the rate by 40 percent.

Instead of using the relative Adjustment Percent field you can add or subtract a fixed charge in the Adjustment Flat field. Enter a negative number for high quality service providers and a positive number for low quality service providers.

For an Adjustment Flat of 200 with a Currency set to US Dollars, Oracle Transportation Management would increase the rate by $200. You could also enter -200 as the Adjustment Flat to achieve a lower rate.

If the rate has a Rate Quality ID, the total weighted cost will show as cost type 'Other' in the cost Section of the Financials tab on the Shipment Manager.

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