Contract and Rate Management

Rule 11 Route Codes

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Power Data > Rates and Codes > Rule 11 Route Codes.

Rule 11 route codes specify the legs of Rule 11 rail shipments. Rule 11 shipments are multi-leg, multi-carrier rail buy shipments in which the carriers bill independently for their charges and only the first leg is tendered (as if the shipment was moving on a through rate). Thus Rule 11 shipments consist of a tendered first leg and one or more non-tendered subsequent legs.

Note: Rule 11 shipments can be part of a larger multi-leg shipment. For example, a shipment could begin with a truck load leg, then have a three-leg Rule 11 sequence, and end with another truck load leg.

Note: The first leg of a Rule 11 shipment is the only tendered leg.

Adding Rule 11 Route Codes:

  1. Enter a unique ID in the Rule 11 Route Code ID field.
  2. The Sequence of legs and Rail Route Code in a Rule 11 shipment are specified by its Rule 11 route code which references the rail route codes of each leg. You can change the sequence of an existing leg by clicking the Edit icon next to it and entering a new sequence number. The sequence must be in the proper order for use with interfaces such as PCMiler Rail.
  3. Enter a Junction Code to indicate a point where two railroads meet to interchange traffic. OTM will look at the junction code field as well as rate record attributes to determine which rate applies. The junction code provides an alternate way to specify the rule 11 record. Instead of specifying a unique route code for a leg, you can now specify a generic route code and a rail junction code. Both methods are supported.

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