Contract and Rate Management

Rail Route Codes Profiles

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Power Data > Rates and Codes > Rail Route Codes Profile.

Rail Route Code Profiles are groups of Rail Route Codes that have similar attributes. Rail Route Codes define a route between two stations on a rail line and are used as rate record attributes to determine rates for rail shipments.

Rail Route Code Profiles can be used to address rebates offered by a service provider for particular routes. This is done by adding the rail route code profile to a Secondary Charge Rule.

After identifying your Rail Route Code Profile, assign as many Rail Route Codes to it as necessary. Use the Compatible field to specify whether the rail route codes that are part of the profile are compatible or incompatible with the secondary charge rule you assign the rail route code profile to. For example, if you want the secondary charge rule to include the rail route codes in the profile, then check the compatible field. If, however, you want all rail route codes to be included except for those in the profile, then leave this field unchecked.

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