Brokerage and Forwarding


This page is accessed via Brokerage and Forwarding > Customer Management > Customer.

Customer Management is used by Freight Forwarders to set up tailored templates for customers when an order is created through  integration or manually. The templates used in Customer Management are designed to facilitate fast order entry.

A customer is an entity that does business with a Freight Forwarder. Freight Forwarders have many customers that require specific information tailored to their needs. Since most customers are independent of one another, they each have their own settings within Oracle Transportation Management. Therefore, these specific settings need to be applied when an order is created.

In order to keep customer settings separate, Freight Forwarders can set up individual customers within Oracle Transportation Management. For each customer, their own Customer template can be used when an order is created. The Customer template has predefined order attributes that can be copied onto the order at the time of creation. Having a Customer template available to planners when an order is created helps streamline the overall ordering process.

Customers are managed at the domain level. Your domain access dictates what customers you can work with based on your privileges.

Adding Customers

Create a customer to add customer specific information to an order by using an order template.

  1. Customer ID uniquely identifies this customer. Enter a unique ID.

    Note: You may want to include the name of the customer in the Customer ID so that it can be easily identified in other areas.

  2. Customer Name describes this customer.
  3. The Corporation ID links a customer to a corporation. Corporations are created in Power Data, and used when searching for customers and identifying those customers that may be affiliated with a particular company.


Enter specific location information for the customer here.

Remove Customer

There is one action available for customers, Remove Customer. This removes the customer from a location, so this location will be a regular location. Without this action, when deleting a customer, the related location is deleted as well.

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