Shipment Management


This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Power Data > Location > Corporations.

A corporation is a record that groups the various locations for each company. Whenever you create a new location you must assign it to a corporation.

Note: You also use corporations when assigning a buyer order template to an order. Just like a location, you can relate many buyers to a single company.

Note: You can send an interface transmission to a corporation.

In addition, you can use corporations to specify the involved parties for a domain. This can facilitate the buy/sell perspective on business objects such as orders, shipments, invoices, and bills, and is important if you are operating in a business environment in which the customer receives transportation services from an intermediary, and the intermediary contracts services from a service provider.

In this scenario, the customer receives a bill from the intermediary, and remits payment to the intermediary. The intermediary receives a bill from the service provider (carrier), and remits payment to the service provider. Given this scenario, use the domain master and involved party attributes to ensure that the bill-to and remit-to type information is correct on the buy-side and sell-side. For example, on a buy shipment, the bill-to is the intermediary, and the remit-to is the service provider. On a sell shipment, the bill-to is the customer, and the remit-to is the intermediary.

  1. Enter a unique Corporation ID and a Corporation Name.
  2. To make this the master corporation for this domain, select the Domain Master check box. The master corporation determines the default involved parties for an order, given the domain of the order. When a shipment is built, it grabs the LOGISTICS involved party from the master corporation for the domain and adds it to the shipment. It also does the same for the order for BILL-TO, LOGISTICS, ORDEROWNER, ORDERSUPPLIER, SHIPPER, CONSIGNEE when the order is created. Also, when trying to get the primary contact for a shipment tender, Oracle Transportation Management looks for a contact that is associated to the master corporation for the domain and the service provider.
  3. Pickup Routing Sequence and Dropoff Routing Sequence control the routing sequence; how Oracle Transportation Management plans the sequence of shipment stops that are built from an order base.

Note: After specifying the master corporation, define one or more involved parties to ensure that the correct buy/sell perspective is carried through to the appropriate business objects.

Involved Parties

  1. Use the Involved Party field to enter a Contact ID or Location ID for the corporation.
  2. The Communication Method specifies how the Involved Party will be contacted.
  3. If the corporation does business in an area where VAT (value added tax) is applicable, such as in Europe, then enter the VAT Registration ID for the corporation applying the tax (a VAT registration is like a tax ID). Corporations may have different VAT Registration ID's for the different countries in which they do business.
  4. Similarly, a corporation may do business in a country where a Provincial VAT is charged. This is where a different VAT is applied based on what province the goods are traveling through. This is common in Canada and Australia. If this applies to this corporation, enter the Country Code ID the province is in, the Province Code the VAT is applicable to, and the VAT Provincial Registration ID for the corporation. As with European VAT, enter as many country, province, and VAT registrations as necessary. This information is used when the Calculate Provincial Tax action is run against invoices and bills.
  5. If the shipping agent is active, select the Shipping Agent Is Active check box. This works in conjunction with the Active flag on the Shipping Agent Contact. When you run the action Auto Assign an Agent to a Job, the active flags on the Shipping Agent Contact and the Corporation (Shipping Agent Contact belongs to a Shipping Agent, which belongs to a Corporation) must both be marked active. At the corporation level, it allows you to deactivate all shipping agents for a corporation from being selected by running that action.
  6. Use the Allow House Collect check box to indicate whether or not a shipping agent is allowed to handle shipments with COLLECT payment terms.

    Note: This check box is used for visibility and is not currently enforced within the base application.

  7. If house collection is allowed, use the Max House Collect Amount to specify the maximum amount of freight charges that can be collected from the internal bill.

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