
Calculate Provincial Tax

This page is accessed via:

  • Financials > Billing Management > Billing > Actions
  • Financials > Payment Invoice Management > Payment Invoice > Actions

Use this action to execute the calculation of Provincial VAT (value added tax) for invoices and bills. Provincial tax, mostly used in Canada and Australia, is a value added tax that varies depending on the province goods are moving in. For example, in Canada you may have a different tax on items moving within Quebec than when the items are moving within the maritime provinces.

To calculate provincial tax, you must have the PROVINCIAL VAT CONFIGURATION ID parameter pointing to a valid Provincial VAT Configuration. Within the configuration, you will have to reference the following:

  • Province Code Profiles to accommodate the various combinations of source and destination provinces that will apply.
  • VAT Codes in VAT Code Ordered Sets to indicate which VAT codes to apply in sequence when Oracle Transportation Management determines there is a qualifying source and destination province profile pair.
  • Province source for cases when the logic will have to determine something for a particular province such as the service provider's provincial registration number. This determines where to obtain that province.
  • Optionally, an Import/Export VAT Code, which determines the VAT Code to apply and when.

Refer to the properties:


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