Shipment Management

Province Code Profiles

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Power Data > Geography > Province Code Profile.

Use a Province Code Profile to create a group of related province codes. A Province Code Profile is a set of Country Codes and Province Codes. They are used by the Calculate Provincial Tax action.

Note: The Country Code field follows the three-digit ISO 3166 country code format.

For example, you could set up a Province Code Profile for the maritime provinces in Canada. In this case, three sets of country code and province code combinations would be part of the profile. The country code would be CAN for all three, while the province codes would be NS, NB, and NF.

Use the Compatible check box to include the province code profile in other parts of Oracle Transportation Management. For example, when calculating Provincial VAT, if you want province codes in the profile to be included, then check the Compatible check box.

Related Topics

VAT Overview and Configuring VAT Components